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Posts posted by Casssey

  1. I was refering to namssab1nad Piers concerning his offending suggestion:
    "I may suggest to Casssey that he go back and take a remedial English education course to learn proper punctuation. It will go a long way in his finding and keeping a job when he graduates from college."

    You are free to indicate your opinions about commas and syntax errors, but I can't accept that anyone will offend me in any way. You may not remember it, but I have provided my real life name and not a nick name.

  2. I never said that "opensimulator" or "opensim" is a virtual world. OpenSim is a tool (novel technology) for the development of a virtual world. According to the official web site of OpenSim: "OpenSimulator is an open source multi-platform, multi-user 3D application server. It can be used to create a virtual environment (or world)." (http://opensimulator.org/wiki/Main_Page)

    Finally, keep these kind of suggestions away from me. I don't want to turn this thread into an argument.

  3. First of all, I would like to thank you for your kind reply.

    Please keep in mind that I am studying in a UK University and thus my survey is written in UK English. I understand that there might be great differences between UK and US English. For this and many other reasons, I provided my e-mail address in the introduction message.

    In your case, the answer to the question you referred to is “Arts”, since the social sciences and humanities are considered as Arts, at least in UK Universities.

  4. I am afraid, I have to correct you back:) I know that Second Life and OpenSim are not the same. Nevertheless, my study concerns the educational use of Second Life AND OpenSim; since, many institutions, are using OpenSim technology as well for their educational projects.

    Thus, if you have the willingness to help me, I will be glad to see your completed survey.

    Thanks a lot for your time.


  5. Dear Second Life users,

    My name is Athanasios Christopoulos and I am an MSc by Research candidate at the University of Bedfordshire, UK. I am currently conducting a study on Virtual Environments concerning their educational potentials and impact on higher education. If any of you have used Second Life or any other Virtual Environment for educational purposes as a University student, please devote 5 minutes of your time to answer my questionnaire and share with me your opinion about Virtual Learning. 

    At the beginning of the questionnaire you will find more information about the study. However, if you have additional questions, do not hesitate to contact me.

    Thanks in advance for your time.

    Best wishes,

    Athanasios Christopoulos

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