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Amodtha Barineaux

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Everything posted by Amodtha Barineaux

  1. Bonour tout le monde! Je m'appelle Amodtha (ou Moda) et je voudrais vous informer que j'offre des services de traduction pour les langues francais et anglais. Mon tarif est L$24 par mot. Si cela vous intéresse, n'hesitez pas à repondre ici ou d'envoyer un message à amodtha.barineaux dans SL.Hello all! My name is Amodtha (or Moda) and I would like to inform you that I offer translation services for the English and French languages. My rate is L$24 per word. If you are interested, feel free to reply here or to message amodtha.barineaux in world.Thank you et merci ^_^ Moda
  2. Hello all! My name is Amodtha (or Moda) and I would like to inform you that I offer translation services for the English and French languages. My rate is L$24 per word. If you are interested, feel free to reply here or to message amodtha.barineaux in world. Bonour tout le monde! Je m'appelle Amodtha (ou Moda) et je voudrais vous informer que j'offre des services de traduction pour les langues francais et anglais. Mon tarif est L$24 par mot. Si cela vous intéresse, n'hesitez pas à repondre ici ou d'envoyer un message à amodtha.barineaux dans SL.Thank you et merci ^_^ Moda
  3. Hello all! My name is Amodtha (or Moda) and I would like to inform you that I offer translation services for the English and French languages. My rate is L$24 per word. If you are interested, feel free to reply here or to message amodtha.barineaux in world. Bonour tout le monde! Je m'appelle Amodtha (ou Moda) et je voudrais vous informer que j'offre des services de traduction pour les langues francais et anglais. Mon tarif est L$24 par mot. Si cela vous intéresse, n'hesitez pas à repondre ici ou d'envoyer un message à amodtha.barineaux dans SL.Thank you et merci ^_^ Moda
  4. Hello there :) I am new to SL and am doing an Ethnography for my university on the culture specific to SL. I study Applied Linguistics at Georgia State University. I am hoping to meet some people through these forums who wouldn't mind guiding me around a bit as well as perhaps participating in some casual interviews. If you think you would like to do this, or would like some more information, please contact me here or inword via PM.
  5. Hello, I am doing an ethnography for my university on second life residents. I am not very familiar with Second Life although I have the basic jist of controls and appearance... The goal of the ethnography is just to get a look into what the life of a Second Life resident might be like, why Second Life is important to them, what people believe Second Life can offer emotionally, spiritually, economically, and so on. What I need is someone who is regularly inworld and who can guide me around SL as well as participate in interviews about their experiences in SL. Please message me here or in game if you wish to participate :) Keep in mind if you take this task on, you are agreeing to having a noob tag-a-long as well :)
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