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rokki Dover

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Posts posted by rokki Dover

  1. Hello fellow DJ's,

      I use a Mac OSX for streaming music in my friend's club on SL, and I'm using a new software which is

    Mixxx 1.9.1.  I've been using Nicecast and the voiceover tools are easy to find.  However I cannot find the voiceover/talkover

    tools on Mixxx.  I have an earPod with mic built in, and I click on the Headphones in Output to set it at Built-in Output Channels 1-2 but it doesn't allow two Built-in outputs. 

    Please someone tell me what I'm doing wrong or missing. 

    Many thanks and smiles to all. 

    Rokki Dover (Blood Covenant Horde) 

    btw, my group is having a carnival opening this weekend, you're all invited to attend.  Send me an IM for a TP.  ^_*

  2. Hello fellow DJ's,

      I use a Mac OSX for streaming music in my friend's club on SL, and I'm using a new software which is

    Mixxx 1.9.1.  I've been using Nicecast and the voiceover tools are easy to find.  However I cannot find the voiceover/talkover

    tools on Mixxx.  I have a headset with mic built in, and I click on the Headphones in Output to set it at Built-in Output Channels

    1-2 but it doesn't allow two Built-in outputs. 

    Please someone tell me what I'm doing wrong or missing. 

    Many thanks and smiles to all. 

    Rokki Dover (Blood Covenant Horde) 

    btw, my group is having a carnival opening this weekend, you're all invited to attend.  Send me an IM for a TP.  ^_*

  3. Me too. I can't seem to connect through logging in. It loads for couple minutes and then black & white screen says "something wrong with the conneciton or this land has problems." Well I have tried logging in "wired" with a LAN line and still I end up with a black & white no go screen. I just extended a week's rent in my rental chatel and this happens. The lease is almost up, what a waste. Anyone has any more ideas on how to log in besides using a new viewer because I've done that and updated the current ones I'm using?

    -rokki D.

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