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Maximillion Foehammer

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Posts posted by Maximillion Foehammer

  1. Alright, so let's take this from my point of view, in my profile I have: "So... My log is getting full of your IM and locals. So conversing with me consents to me to use those logs to my ability and/or discretion. Even if you do not read this, do not blame me. " I get into trouble at a local club because I used someone's (Person 1) private conversation with a friend of mine saying that Person 1 doesn't care for you as a worker, and she's your manager. Over time, Person 1 bans me from the club, on the grounds of violating ToS. Granted, LL will not care about a certain ban from a zone, but I am curious as to who is in the right. and if possible have the official definitive answer from Linden themselves.

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