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Kit Repine

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Posts posted by Kit Repine

  1. 9 minutes ago, Whirly Fizzle said:

    Any viewer can display LookAt targets.  LookAt targets display a cross-hair where your camera is pointing, though take note, the LookAt feature isn't really meant to track what you are currently looking at, it's purpose is to debug avatar animations & it's an inaccurate method to use to see what someone is currently looking at.

    Further information here: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Show_Look_At

    I don't think the LL viewer allows you to hide your LookAt target from others, apart from editing the attentions.xml file (see wiki page above).
    Most third party viewers allow you to hide your LookAt target or lock it a meter or so infront of your avatar. The main use of hiding/locking your LookAt Target is actually to stop your avatar head turning to follow the mouse & to stop the avatar eyes rolling around in your head as you look around, which can be useful when taking snapshots of your avatar.
    Disabling LookAt targets also has the bonus side effect of stopping the drama llamas from thinking they can see what you are looking at & getting upset because you are either looking at their avatar, or not looking at their avatar when they want to be the center of your attention  lol.


    So what this boils down to is basically I'm using the wrong viewer and is not against the terms of service that's all I was really wondering.  I have no desire to return to the Sim that ban me or to hang out with any of the people that are involved in it I just want to know if I was being victimized by a TOS abuse.

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