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Everything posted by WaituGou1488312832

  1. Thanks for the ideas folks, updating to Phoenix Firestorm helped immensely, rarely do I have resolution issues. CTRL-ALT-R is also very helpful when fuzzy lol.
  2. I use the regular second life viewer, most updated version (I think 3 or something). Would changing to pheonix or firestorm help with this? Will other people see this big sphere blinking in and out? I guess I could ask some randoms.
  3. I tried clearing the cache via the viewer and then trying a character test (I looked up what these were then followed the instructions). The glitchy sphere is still there, but maybe it's just a temporary thing and it will go away. Thanks for the ideas.
  4. I took a darn carriage ride yesterday and attached a horse to myself. At the end I had trouble unattaching the horse and had to re-unattach it several times before it 'took.' Ever since I unattached the horse, there is a large sphere blinking/chopping in and out around my avatar. I tried changing clothes, signing off etc. Any ideas?
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