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anka Mynx

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Posts posted by anka Mynx

  1. For anyone who is not aware, you do not have to pay a $1,000 setup fee for/per sim. You can do a resident to resident full land transfer. They go from anywhere between 150-350usd each, which is paid to the seller by the buyer. There is a $100usd transfer fee but alot of sellers will include that in their price. So basicly it cost you $150usd for "setup" and $295 a month in tier per full estate sim. Included in the transfer fee is an optional sim name change and a optional sim move. 

    Homesteads are cheaper per month tier wise at $125usd per month, so really you could get away with 9 sims for far less then you stated.

    At $150usd per sim trasnfer fee included set up would be $1350usd for all 9 sims. You can have the sims renamed and move into any configuration you want.

    Tier per month on 9 estate sims would be $2,655usd or $31,860usd a year.

    Tier on 1 full estate sim and 8 homesteads would be $1,295usd a month or $15,540usd a year

    So depending on the amount of prims needed per sim for the "project" your estates were a bit off concering setup fees and annual pricing depending on your needs.

    There is also mainland (dont run away screaming now lol) Mainland even with its flaws and over crowding is a very viable place for large scale builds like a 9 sim build. The benefit of being on mainland for something like this is alot more people will liking see your build just by stumbling upon it will no adveritsing or promoting needed on your part. The negitive side is mainland can be laggy but it depends on your machine and your internet speeds. I "lived" on mainland for over a year and never had any lag problems at all, so it isnt all laggy.

    Back to the positive points, you can find mainland for full purcahse transfer for very low prices sometimes free and you just have to pay the transfer fee. 

    So doing this scenario again with mainland sims it would be lets says "free" land with a $100usd and tier of $195usd a month per sim.

    "Setup" on 9 mainland sims $900usd. Teir on 9 mainland sims would be $1,755usd a month or $21,060usd annually. Though admitedly finding 9 mainland sims next to each other for free and that are not being used would be likely impossible, but for purposes of theory there it is. I have never owned mainland sim, I have only rented there so There may be more perks of pitfalls about mainland Ownership then i am aware of.

    Also if you pay the $10usd for premium a month and want mainland you could i believe get the first mainland sim at 1/2sim teir price, because with premium you get 512sqms free. So that might be a loophole there since the difference in mainland tier is $195/full and $125/half you would be saving $60/month after taking off the cost of premium.

    I will not say SL land prices are cheap as far a maintaning a piece of land but they are not drasticly unreal or impossible. I've never used OS for more then an hour so i have no idea on any of their pricing for anything but in my opinion it doesnt compare to SL, yet.

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