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  1. Ty Valerie for your quick response . and i am sorry for being a lil frustrated . couldnt help myself when i saw first thing in the morning that mah pic is gone .
  2. it wasnt an add or anythin . it was just a mark that i do on every pic i do . and its total nonsense to take away a pic just like that . and its totally unfair and its such shameful . sorry but i am really upset over this pathetic rule . i didnt advertise any clothing or other stuff . it was just a symbol of mah identity .. like a name . and this is totally unacceptable . i wont attend any more of these contests again . atleast they should show the decency to allow me to resubmit mah photo
  3. so they took it off just because of the logo ? that sux and i add it by default on all mah pics . this is just unfair .
  4. i am a SL photographer . i own the studio Neon Photography and i uploaded a photo in to this contest on the 28th . i got 14 votes and 400+ views for the photo so far and today morning when i checked the photo is gone just like that . and rest all the pictures are still there . i feel soo embarassed among my friends now . hoping for a quick response and pls post back my photo on to the contest . i had wasted abt 5hrs on that photo for this contest and had received votes (14) and views (400+) as well
  5. Hi i made two purchases of linden dollars today using paypal for which i received payment on the first transaction but i still haven't received payment for the second transaction. I am a bit pissed because my visa card has been charged for the purchase but i still haven't received the linden dollars i purchased in the second transaction . Will i receive my lindens ? . Or could i get my money back ? HELP EDIT : This is what i did to solve my problem: 1. I went to this link https://support.secondlife.com/create-case/ 2. Used BILLING as my problem 3. Under BILLING use the option Secondlife and Marketplace balance Payout issue. 4. Fill in the unique transaction id u get on your Paypal for the transaction [important] 5. In the additional assistance box give a brief description of the problem 6. Try to upload a screenshot of transaction detail from your Paypal account 7. Hit submit .. And wait. :-) My problem was solved on the same day itself :-D
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