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Posts posted by Manifestation

  1. Dr. kervorkian is a fine example, even with someone's permission you cannot break the law. Theft is theft, what's all the worries for? That little accept to the terms and service doesn't even constitute a contractual agreement. Relax people.

  2. I'll assume its maya, im a blender user but i read recently a thread where this was happening to someone else, their fix was to export to obj. reimport and use a collada converter, or ya could always export to blender then export again to collada.

  3. I notice this also with mesh only and havent found a work around. But I suspect it has something to do with lod of the mesh, the buildings I've made are uploaded in several pieces some have higher loads than others and maybe its confusing the client on rez and when I walk around they show other times I have to right click it and they appear. But for me it seems to be related to mesh only.

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