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Arelia Chau

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Posts posted by Arelia Chau

  1. Isn't that question a little...uhm...strange? Places for under 18 year olds are, if they exist, made for exact that kind of residents those who are not adults. It would be strange to me, seeing an adult pretending to be one of them.

    What you need to look for is somekind of roleplayplace....but I guess it can be difficult, because child avatars are a way more popular than teenagers. But they might be something to look for.

  2. I even tested it right now by myself. Logged in at my first account I had when I first tried SL and went away on the same day, cause I was frustrated :matte-motes-stress: Well, even after nearly two years my little noobie avatar was just at the same point where I left her. Nothing changed.


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