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  1. I am trying on skins and i left the shop on SL and went to my home but now when i right click to delete the skin or at least remove it I can't. How do I take this demo skin off? P.S. - I have already tried putting my original skin i had before i was trying the demo skins already and it still shows on my avi. Please help?
  2. It does not work.. I tried it all. I don't understand why it used to let me open my new inventory and copy to my inventory. But now it doesn't do nothing except take forever to do nothing.
  3. Mine is doing something similar to that and it is bugging me... for realz.
  4. Hello, So I buy items on the Marketplace and im ingame, so i go to objects, click wear and drop my item. I click open and it takes forever to show contents in the box. So then when i comes up I click Copy to Inventory like always. Now i click it and in m inventory it shows the folder but there is nothing in it. I already tried with three different items and different sellers. What is the problem and how can i fix this?
  5. I am a new player and trying to figure out how to get back to base camp to find Tyrah's Workshop. Can anyone let me know what i need to do or where I need to go to complete this. Thanks in advance.
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