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Tommy Mulberry

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Posts posted by Tommy Mulberry

  1. Wow, this topic has gotten some traction  :))


    This is what I've found:

    A) The Oceanis and Hurricane lines are all 200+ prims and require you to wear them, for reasons stated above.

    B) I decided to use my banline HUD (https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Explorers-HUD-Essential-for-all-Vehicles-Explorers-and-Landlords/1269113 HIGHLY recommended.  I use if for riding my motorcycle.  The HUD shows where the rezzable water is among other things, so if the boat does break apart (ie, you stood up), you can motor to the rezzable spot and do a quick repair.

    C) Motor Loon has created a new sailboat called the Oceanic, which is under the prim limit, it's mostly phantom, however at sea you can stand up, walk around, anchor and go ashore for a short time.  You can get a fully functioning demo at the Tradewinds Yacht Club on Dex (143,64,25).  It appears to be a VERY popular boat, I see them coming by my house almost constantly the past few day, it has a Main, Jib and a Spinny.  He makes excellent motorcycles, and this first entry into sailboats appears to be a winner.

    D) No one stands up in a moving vehicle, not even me.  My contention was that if I'm at sea, with my GF, and choose to anchor and go below, I should be able to.  Guess that's not in the cards. 

    If I can throw a recommendation in while I have your attention, I picked up a nice little speeder to get around on the water to check out some areas and I have to recommend it.  It is the "Wave Cruiser 3" (https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Wave-Cruiser-3-Classic-Beige/3263671  This is a fantastic little speedboat under 32 prims, and it flies.  I used it to shoot over to the Tradewinds from my dock, jump out, read the description of the Oceanic, jump back in and zip home.  For only $55 Lindens, it is sooo worth it.

    Thanks for everyone's input, and for those highly knowledgeable people who spelled out the specifics for me.  I've been here about 6 years, and I've never stopped learning. 



  2. I've seen bigger boats that doen't have that problem though.  I don't rez on the public areas, I have land on the Blake so I rez from my dock.  I would think that LL would make the Blake a free rez area though.  I do have the same question into the builder however, and if I get an answer, I'll be sure to post it here.

  3. I have (3) boats from Star Bay; the Hurricane 300 Yacht, the Hurricane 100 power boat and the Oceanis 100 sailboat.  They are beautiful, but they require you to 'wear' them as attachments so to speak.

    Every time I'm out sailing or powerboat, and I want to stop, and stand up, the boats de-rez right out from under me (on the Blake Sea).  It tells me the group will not allow rezzing. 

    Is there a way to overcome this?, it seems silly to have boats that have 'below decks', and not even be able to use them.  Perhaps a gadget of some kind that will override the rezing privilege?  I'm not on someone's land, I'm in the middle of the Blake, which I thought, was owned by Linden Labs?

    Any help or input would be appreciated.


    Tommy Mulberry


  4. I have a beautiful new Hurricane 300 Yacht (Amazing Ship, you should see it if you havent, just amazing).  Anyways, I love driving the Blake Sea, but every time I stand up perhaps to talk to someone, my ship gets returned.  I'd love to pull up to a shore club, like RL, get off, dance, shop in the stores and return to my mooring without losing my boat each time.  Is there a gadget or setting I can use?, or am I SOL?

  5. They should post a small sign nearby, I ran into that yesterday with a friend, and I thought I broke her avi!, I was in a panic because it was my idea that she get a shape.  Thankfully someone else told me the same thing...  It would have been nice to see a little notice that it was going to happen before she looked like a hobbit.

  6. This is wierd but, ever since I put on a Hard Hat near a mine to check it out, I've had a yellow sliver on the back of my head.  Someone pointed it out the other day.  I've looked all over my inventory to see if I'm still wearing a portion of the hat but no.

    I zoomed in really close to see if maybe I can grab it, that didn't help but what I did see is that I zoomed all the way inside the avi's head, and there is a giant yellow blob in the head it'self, and a portion of it hangs out the back of my head.

    Does anyone know how to get the avi to re gen from screatch?, or to replace it wholesale?  I have no way of getting to the blob to get rid of it and I cannot figure out what it is.

    Until I figure it out, I have to wear hats!.. 

    Any help is appreciated.

    Tommy Mulberry

  7. I had a similar problem today, I bought three items from the Tiki creations store on Marketplace (awesome stuff by the way, I highly recommend them).  Anyways, after waiting, I got the delivery notice, and before I could click "Keep", the region rebooted and kicked me off.  When I logged back in, there were no notices, not even unread ones - there shuld have at least been two as according to my transactins, all three items were delivered.

    Question is, is there a notifications log I can't find to open them and re-click them?, or do I have to request that they re-send, and hope they will?.


    Thanks all, Tommy Mulberry.

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