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Chris Kuhr

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Posts posted by Chris Kuhr

  1. it's funny to see this topic as i can recall the days when the teleport system would occasionally go down for hours at a time and the only option was to fly or find some other way to get to where you  wanted to go.  it was actually kind of fun as everybody would dig deep in their inventories and pull out that plane or spaceship or supercar and find their way across sims to get together.  even when the tp system was working it would be fun to just pick a direction and go and end up wherever.

    having been back in sl for a couple of months after taking some years off, i've noticed lots of changes that make it better and worse for those of us with a vagabond spirit.

    i LOVE the road system, waterways and the airports that have sprung up, those communities that support them have obviously spent lots of time energy and money to make SL a great place to travel and sightsee. i also love the fact that there are people who, though not wanderers themselves, set up shops and other roadside attractions that give the trip some character and make it more than just riding around a sim (although some go overboard and just create lag magnets).

    on the other hand...i've noticed that a lot of the RL attitudes have crept into SL as ban lines and orbs are everywhere.  i took a road trip today and got bounced several times by orbs that didn't even give me a chance to leave the property before i ended up at home.  there was a strip mall that had it's ban lines all the way up to the side of the road so that any errant driving would cause a vehicle to get caught up in the fence, so to speak (as i found out from personal experience).

    overall though, with some extra free time on my hands for a couple of weeks, i'm looking  forward to picking a direction and seeing where i end up.  i'm actually thinking about blogging about my adventures...

  2. it's been a while since the last post but i thought i'd add my two cents, hoping that someone may find it helpful.  i purchased a Black Widow Motors Stealth model chopper (seats 2) that i've been riding on route 8 most of the eveining and it's been pretty easy to handle, despite heavy lag and my relative inexperience.  the only time i've lost control has been when the lag completely overtook me (in one instance i got logged completely out of SL).  now for the best part...the bike was 10L .  this isn't a typo and i don't work for them, i stumbled across it on the marketplace and figured, why not?  the best lindens i've spent in the 6+ years i've been in SL.

  3. while some people have mentioned that they simply go in-world to buy things that they see in the marketplace, that only works when purchasing items for yourself.  having recently returned to sl after a few years off, i'm very disappointed to see  that most vendors' items are non-transferrable and the only way to purchase things for friends is through the marketplace.  funny thing about that is, the majority of my delivery failures are items i purchased as gifts.  so i see a problem and an issue.  i'm sure that once sufficient effort is put towards fixing the delivery issues they will be resolved, but what's up with the rigid stance that vendors have towards customers' use of their product once they've collected their Lindens?  is giving in SL frowned upon nowadays?

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