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Posts posted by DawnM01

  1. Jean- I received my laptop last week and have used it everyday on SL AND... It's flipping fantastic. I can run it on ultra graphics with NO LAG WHAT SO EVER and THE GRAPHICS ARE OUT OF THIS WORLD BEAUTIFUL. Thank you for your advise but I am glad I tried it before I took your advise. Now that I think about it, it was completely stupid of me to post a question about this. Not too long ago, I ran sl on a very old Dell Latitude D600. Now, that's what I call poor graphics and major annoyances and yes with THAT LAPTOP I was only able to do simple web content consuming. My new laptop is a very good multi-tasker and I couldn't be happier with my decision to purchase it.  :))



  2. Please Please Please consider the option to put items in categories for the favorites list. I have a long list and sometimes they get jumbled up and moved around. So, when I think I know what page something is on, it's not there and I have to look through the whole list. Thank you!



  3. Hi. I recently purchased an HP laptop(*have not received yet*) and I want to know if the graphics card is going to be ok to run SL. I know all the other specs way exceeds the SL System requirements but was iffy about the graphics card. I have already looked over the system requirements so don't tell me I need to look again. lol I know not all graphics cards in the world can be listed, so, I was wondering if someone knew something that I did not. Anyway, the graphics card details are as follows:

    AMD Radeon™ HD 7640G Discrete-Class graphics and up to 4077MB total graphics memory(4)


    The complete list of specs on the laptop is in this link... http://www.qvc.com/footers/el/pdf/E223183-E223194_specs.pdf 


    Thank You!


  4. Can any of you give me recommendations on land owners that have their own tier payment system?? I am trying to avoid paying tier to Linden Labs with USD. If I can find a land owner that had a L$ Tier payment system, that would be great! Thank you in advance!

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