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JT Castanea

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Posts posted by JT Castanea

  1. The concept is to create an Ocean Conservancy Science Center with an info hub and educational rooms for different aspects of the state of the ocean and sea life.  Not just photos of plastic ridden beaches, but with potential solutions, science based information and how folks can participate and contribute in the real world.  There are several of us, including long time builders, who are committed to making this an amazing learning environment for interested Second Life residents. We are planing to rotate scenes/beaches from all over the world making interesting ecosystems and those particulars. 

    Does LL offer full sims or some kind of discount like they used to?



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  2. I am not seeking attention, I am seeking advice.


    My RL information was casual as to where I surf and where I am from.  The fact that I am a parent came up in casual converstaion with someone whom I thought was a "peer" and a "friend" I had known in SL for quite sometime.  Duly noted, however is that I don't trust anyone in SL and give NO personal information at all to anyone anymore due to someone with no life who has decided to obsess and be childish for years over some dumb crap.

    ADDED:  You opinion that my post is bull and attention seeking is your incorrect opinion based on no real information.

    Thanks for your "bull" response.


  3.  Soup, walk a mile in another's shoes.  This crap has been going on for years by this creepy obsessed freak whom I've muted for years.  I'm sick of it.  I am not creating accounts to harass this person and he does it pervasivly to harass.  

    I don't want fecking sympathy, I want the account deleted as it should be due to it's content.




  4. The photos are those that were on my profile...and not photos of my kids RL...I would not post that.

    I've reported this fake account every day for two weeks.  It's clearly a fake account meant only to harass me.  LL has done nothing.


    Examples of what is on this fake profile...

    " I am a bogan dad from huntington beach
    They call me JTWanker
    my personality sucks ass and so does my surfing style"


    Picks = "A kool place to surf with my **bleep**nuckle wankers"


    1st Life = Photo from Silence of the Lambs and

    "RL photo. Im a dill from huntington beach calif.
    This is me getting ready for my sons gay show hehe! "

    I know who is doing this...and I can't really prove it...but the account SHOULD BE REMOVED!!!!

  5. This is a FAKE account using my photos and very disparaging remarks in the profile.  It's CLEARLY fake.  




    And DRES....I'd like to see you get over it...when every other month some jerk is creating an account using your name and photos.



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