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Posts posted by JadenArt

  1. As a matter of fact, your statements are false. We are talking about a human, not a wolf (animal) head, meaning, customers will want to be able to adjust their nose, lips with sliders. They will want to be able to move the eyes closer together or further apart (and these are just a few examples) in order to give them a more unique appearance and a more versatile product.

    What you are showing us here is not applicable to a human head in any way.

    I wish I could show you examples but sadly many of us Maya users, we have yet to receive an animation exporter that works with the rig.

    Furthermore, as "Bento" is still in its beta stage, stating that the skeleton is finalized is somewhat premature. We need to focus on what matters, which is finding the best possible solution for all users within SL’s limitations, so let's drop the insults, condescending way of communicating and help Matrice, Cathy and the rest of the team do their best.

    As a head creator, I don't see the point in making sliders available if people won't be able to use them with animations. I know my customer base, and I know what the expectations have turned into about this project with all of the information supplied to customers so far, they have very high expectations, and to have to cut them all off from the start is going to be a customer service issue for many.

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