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Posts posted by Thantrax

  1. @Storm : Thanks for the suggestion.  Usually when I visit a forum for topics like this, the help threads are stickied.  I didn't see any stickied topics in that sub-forum, is there an easy way to find the forum threads that could help me?  I could browse through the 24 pages of threads I suppose, but I'd like to save myself that work if possible.


    @Ariel : I suspect you are right about the getting what you pay for.  I am certainly going to be willing to invest in some Linden Dollars in order to get the right outfit pieces, but I think I'll be holding off on making a slew of purchases until I get myself oriented.  Plus, knowing me, I'll still want to make parts of the outfits myself in order to match the image I have in my own mind.  

    As to this Firestorm viewer, when I was reading up on the Wikipedia page on Second Life, they mentioned there that the Emerald viewer, a previous third party viewer, featured some malware code.  Is the Firestorm viewer free of such controversy?  Also, is there any other third party viewers you'd care to recommend for consideration?

  2. Hello everyone!  

    I'm a new person here on Second Life and I'm trying to get myself oriented.  I first became interested in signing up here when I stumbled upon some videos on Youtube of Second Life avatars and saw how far the graphics have come.  This is a far cry from when the game first came out! 

    When one gets involved in something like Second Life, there are almost always things that the new guy (or newbie, n00b, or whatever you call us fresh people) should know.  Anyone have some general advice they would like to give?  My reading up on Second Life has produced some references to other Viewer clients for Second Life, for example, should I be looking into those instead of the main one?   

    I'm an avid table top role player, playing games like Dungeons and Dragons, Mutants and Masterminds, and the World of Darkness game lines.  I also used to be a player on various online role play games like MUCKs and MUSHes.  One of my main interests in Second Life is the idea of trying to make an avatar for some of my tabletop characters so I can take great pictures of them as I imagined them, so I can show them off to all my friends.  Can anyone recommend a great place to get started on customizing their avatar?

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