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Posts posted by eref

  1. thanks for the help. I have struggled with it but i am still unable to see what is wrong


            llSetText("Eye of Trinar",<1.0,1.0,1.0>,1.0);
      touch_start(integer total_number){
           if (llDetectedKey(0) == llGetOwner())
           { llSay(0, "The Eye of Trinar awakes at the touch of a Seer");
            llSetColor(<1.0, 1.0, 1.0>, ALL_SIDES);

              { llSay(0, "The eye of Trinar remains closed.");
              llSetColor(<0.0,0.0,0.0>, ALL_SIDES);
    {llListen(47,"", llGetOwner(), "");
            if (msg == "close");

         llSay(0,"The eye closes"); // Repeats whatever was said by the owner on channel 47 as a new message in public chat.
    llSetColor(<0.0, 0.0, 0.0>, ALL_SIDES);


    can you help me by showing what the problem is?

  2. I am trying to apply llListen


    the idea is to have a crystal ball "Eye of Trinar" that only the owner can turn on.

    I have scripted this:


            llSetText("Eye of Trinar",<1.0,1.0,1.0>,1.0);
      touch_start(integer total_number){
           if (llDetectedKey(0) == llGetOwner())
           { llSay(0, "The Eye of Trinar awakes at the touch of a Seer");
            llSetColor(<1.0, 1.0, 1.0>, ALL_SIDES);

              { llSay(0, "The eye of Trinar remains closed.");


    i want to enable the owner to use llListen   "close"  to have the Eye of Trinar say "the vision fades"

    i have tried but i cant get ti to work.

    i think i should state before default

    integer giChannel = 88;

    and insert code

    llListen(giChannel,"", llGetOwner(), "close");

    but somehow i cant get it right

    can you show me how to do it.



  3. thank you so much for the help

    the idea is like a clam bake, people sit around and at thier lesiure take a clam from the basket till it is empty. so timing does not really work. the script gives the name of the person who takes the clam by clicking and tells how many left.

    i think using lllisten is just what i need. I was not familiar with it but i will try it that will be great it will allow me to replenish clams at any time it is necessary

    I will try to work it in.

    Thanks again your help is greratly appreciated



  4. also i have a problem with the reset in the counting script. If no one touches it for more than 20 seconds i expect it will reset and i dont want that

    The only thing i can think of is to manually reset the script after each use.

    any other ideas on an event to trigger reset besides time?

  5. I have just started scripting so it is all new to me I am learnig by doing.

    I have made a basket of clams

    I have labelled it and when clicked on it reduces in numbe till 0 then it gives a message saying the basket is empty.

    i have used two scripts for this. Is it possible to do it one script?

    Here are the scripts

    First the script that labels the basket:

            llSetText("A Basket of CLAMS \n freshly cooked with herbs\n with a jar of yellow dipping sauce",< 1.0,1.0,1.0>,1);

    Second the script that decrease the number to Zeror and dispaly the empty merssage

    float clams =15.0;
    string first = " takes a clam ";
    string second = " left ";

       touch_start(integer x)
    llSetText(llDetectedName(0)+ first + (string)clams+ second ,<1.0,1.0,0.0>,1.0);
        llSetText("ALAS \n The basket is empty \n what shall we do?.",<1.0,0.0,0.0>,1.0);
    llSleep (20.0);



    I am not 100% happy with it as once the basket empties it shows the error message then displays the name of the object again after 5 seconds. I expected clicking on the basket again after that would show the empty message again for 5 seconds but it does not. I am not sure why after all each clikc should decrease in the negative giving a clams value below zero and so bringing up the error message. I dont understand why  that does not happen, - i would like it to

    Any help is greatly appreciated

    thank you



  6. thank you so much for your help. I will take out the textures and try it. My next step is a coin that is random   but then i want one that always come down heads for me alone. :)

    Thanks again for your help greatly appreciated



  7. thank you for your help i appreciate it.

    you are a little ahead of me as in this version of the coin i am just trying to swap faces when clicked.

    I will next ry to make one that swaps faces randomly . Thank you again for your tips and advice :)

  8. thank you for your help.

    I tried your correction. I also feel that if i can swap the textures it will looked fliped.  unfortunately i cant get it to work.

    i set the cylinder with the head and tail face on the top and bottom and put the textures into contents and  tried the script as suggested but as far as i can see nothing happened

    i would appreciate any suggestions on how to make it work like a coin tossed.



  9. I am very new to second life scripting and thought i would try to make a script that changes the textures on the top and bottom of a cylinder (modeling a coin)

    the idea is "If top side = heads


    change top to tail and bottom to heads


    change top to tails and bottom to heads


    like i said i am very new to this scripting

    here is the script i am trying:


        touch_start(integer x)


    I am getting type mismatch   - (4,68) Error type mismatch

    some help please





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