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Posts posted by HiRez

  1. Alright, so this post is about my story, both real life and SL, and the subject headline pretty much sums it all up.

    I started SL in 2005, been very successful, SL has paid my rent and a lot more thereto. I've actually been living very well off of it, and believe it or not - It could actually have been a superb springboard to a great real life business career, as I got a lot of media coverage in the country that I live in, about the fact that I had actually built a sustainable business in a virtual world, and I was actually being taken very very seriously, which was great!

    ..But then something happened...  And now I'm broke, but I refuse to surrender!

    I had a plan worked out for myself which was: Make as much money as you possibly can from Second Life - (I had the momentum going, so why stop?) and save all the money you make as start-up capital for a bigger real life or SL related project! 
    - So far  so good, right?  - Well, I've always been rather skilled at making people work with me - So I contacted the best (real life) programmer I knew - and badabingbadabom - I had him under my spell.

    We eventually grew very fond of each other, and became more like friends than  business partners. And I have been under the constant impression that he is the best in his field, and that we are bound to make history. 

    And I am still 100% sure, that he is the best in his field - and that we would have made history, if not for one tiny, little, error:

    This guy, is completely, and utterly one hundred percent unable to wrap things up. To make an exit. To finish, To get things done.  He just can't! Every time, we are getting close to the finish, he freaks out. Leaves town, or just breaks down in nervousness of... Something. I get in touch with him, and he immediately starts to talk me trough how THIS IS (beyond our powers), going to fail, if we don't do this and that and this.

    -And I buy it EVERY single stupid TIME :matte-motes-sour:-

    So, as always - I go back to the drawing board, to make the appropriate changes, and he all of a sudden seems very happy and very relieved that we have made these changes to the original design, and all is good and we continue to work very motivated with a realistic deadline and with all the resources needed.
    But then.. Right around 90-95% completion - He blows up like a nuclear bomb. Paralyzed. Completely and utterly soiled.

    And alright if this happend once... I could live with that. But now we've been working on a ONE MONTH PROJECT for ONE Whole year! And 3 other different projects for 2 years prior to this project! And my patience is out, and my money is out,  and I can't stand him whining on details when everything is 99,9% perfect and has been 99,9% perfect 5 times over.

    SO! Today I did what I had to do. I "broke up" with him. Unfortunately 2½ years too late. And it was painful, and it hurt. But now after a couple of hours, I feel completely reborn.

    So this is what I'm going to do now:

    Take the best bits and pieces from all the different versions of this concept we have been working on, and redo it completely with someone new. I have been in SL businessrelationships before, and all of them have worked out really well, so I figured why not? Let's do it again!

    And this time, I'd love to have someone who can finish, and can finish fast! (I promise you, that we'll work on making the product completely perfect for an entire year after the launch)  The project itself, is not huge, tops a month if done efficiently, low running-costs, potentially, it could be very profitable for two very valid reasons, which I will tell you all about later.

    We split 50/50 on a shared account. And we work thorugh skype/msn when needed, and through SL when needed.

    My skills:
     graphic designer 
    Excellent UI designer 
    Excellent concept designer, ( I can quickly mash up any type of concept designs to visualize ideas more easily)
    Excellent Icon designer
    Persistant, never ever give up!
    Like to keep things constantly moving forward

    My Rules:
    I believe in Fair and square
    The value is in the outcome of the product and not the product itself. 
    Only say goodbye to a happy customer, not sad, not normal - Happy.
    I believe in Measurable data (but screw this for now - takes too much time to figure out how to collect it)
    Always indulge yourself in your deepest fears

    I am looking for:
    Quick learner
    A programmer, preferably with some experience on SL->RL Integration (not neccesary as you are a quick learner)
    MySQL or why not MongoDB, (it's easily scaleable)
    Ability to implement raw designs as CSS flawlessly.
    Goal oriented
    Deadline oriented
    Ability to release a slightly unfinished product just to test the concept and get a confirmation that we're on the right track.

    Hats of to this brave soul who read this.

    If you're the one I want to work with, IM me on avatar name HiRez, IMs are forwarded to my email :)

    Cheers! :matte-motes-big-grin-wink: 

  2. Alright, so this post is about my story, both real life and SL, and the subject headline pretty much sums it all up.

    I started SL in 2005, been very successful, SL has paid my rent and a lot more thereto. I've actually been living very well off of it, and believe it or not - It could actually have been a superb springboard to a great real life business career, as I got a lot of media coverage in the country that I live in, about the fact that I had actually built a sustainable business in a virtual world, and I was actually being taken very very seriously, which was great!

    ..But then something happened...  And now I'm broke, but I refuse to surrender!

    I had a plan worked out for myself which was: Make as much money as you possibly can from Second Life - (I had the momentum going, so why stop?) and save all the money you make as start-up capital for a bigger real life or SL related project! 
    - So far  so good, right?  - Well, I've always been rather skilled at making people work with me - So I contacted the best (real life) programmer I knew - and badabingbadabom - I had him under my spell.

    We eventually grew very fond of each other, and became more like friends than  business partners. And I have been under the constant impression that he is the best in his field, and that we are bound to make history. 

    And I am still 100% sure, that he is the best in his field - and that we would have made history, if not for one tiny, little, error:

    This guy, is completely, and utterly one hundred percent unable to wrap things up. To make an exit. To finish, To get things done.  He just can't! Every time, we are getting close to the finish, he freaks out. Leaves town, or just breaks down in nervousness of... Something. I get in touch with him, and he immediately starts to talk me trough how THIS IS (beyond our powers), going to fail, if we don't do this and that and this.

    -And I buy it EVERY single stupid TIME :matte-motes-sour:-

    So, as always - I go back to the drawing board, to make the appropriate changes, and he all of a sudden seems very happy and very relieved that we have made these changes to the original design, and all is good and we continue to work very motivated with a realistic deadline and with all the resources needed.
    But then.. Right around 90-95% completion - He blows up like a nuclear bomb. Paralyzed. Completely and utterly soiled.

    And alright if this happend once... I could live with that. But now we've been working on a ONE MONTH PROJECT for ONE Whole year! And 3 other different projects for 2 years prior to this project! And my patience is out, and my money is out,  and I can't stand him whining on details when everything is 99,9% perfect and has been 99,9% perfect 5 times over.

    SO! Today I did what I had to do. I "broke up" with him. Unfortunately 2½ years too late. And it was painful, and it hurt. But now after a couple of hours, I feel completely reborn.

    So this is what I'm going to do now:

    Take the best bits and pieces from all the different versions of this concept we have been working on, and redo it completely with someone new. I have been in SL businessrelationships before, and all of them have worked out really well, so I figured why not? Let's do it again!

    And this time, I'd love to have someone who can finish, and can finish fast! (I promise you, that we'll work on making the product completely perfect for an entire year after the launch)  The project itself, is not huge, tops a month if done efficiently, low running-costs, potentially, it could be very profitable for two very valid reasons, which I will tell you all about later.

    We split 50/50 on a shared account. And we work thorugh skype/msn when needed, and through SL when needed.

    My skills:
    graphic designer 
    Excellent UI designer 
    Excellent concept designer, ( I can quickly mash up any type of concept designs to visualize ideas more easily)
    Excellent Icon designer
    Persistant, never ever give up!
    Like to keep things constantly moving forward

    My Rules:
    I believe in Fair and square
    The value is in the outcome of the product and not the product itself. 
    Only say goodbye to a happy customer, not sad, not normal - Happy.
    I believe in Measurable data (but screw this for now - takes too much time to figure out how to collect it)
    Always indulge yourself in your deepest fears

    I am looking for:
    Quick learner
    A programmer, preferably with some experience on SL->RL Integration (not neccesary as you are a quick learner)
    MySQL or why not MongoDB, (it's easily scaleable)
    Ability to implement raw designs as CSS flawlessly.
    Goal oriented
    Deadline oriented
    Ability to release a slightly unfinished product just to test the concept and get a confirmation that we're on the right track.

    Hats of to this brave soul who read this.

    If you're the one I want to work with, IM me on avatar name HiRez, IMs are forwarded to my email :)

    Cheers! :matte-motes-big-grin-wink: 

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