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Jonton Lorefield

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Everything posted by Jonton Lorefield

  1. Thank you for the informative post. That's just what I needed to know. We have now deeded the private region to our group, and now at least one of our group role functions is working as expected: We had set one group role to "always fly," but that did not activate until the land was deeded. Thanks again.
  2. There have been a number of posts on these forums about the pros and cons of deeding (versus just “setting”) mainland parcels to a group. Not too much has been posted (as far as I can tell) on the same topic as it applies to private regions. We recently purchased a private region from Linden Lab. I have been searching the knowledge base on the topic of deeding such land to a group, and have found some relevant information under the heading “Estates and Private Regions” on the page titled “Group-owned land” here: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Group-owned-land/ta-p/700079 That section indicates that deeding a private region to a group differs in some ways from the mainland activity: * Only the private region owner pays LL for the land; mainland rules pertaining to group member land use fees, tier, etc., do not apply. * For the same reason, you should not check the “Owner Makes Contribution With Deed” checkbox when deeding a private region to a group. Not as clear, though, are the advantages of deeding a private region to a group. On the mainland, deeding allows the group the ability to pick up a certain percentage of additional bonus land without bumping up tier. That advantage would not apply to private regions where tier does not come into play at all. So what are the advantages (or disadvantages) of deeding a private region to a group? If anyone has dealt with this issue, please post. I am thinking that certain group role abilities will only activate if the land is deeded rather than set. One might be the ability of group members to always fly, even if the region is set no-fly. We could not seem to activate that ability on our group-set private region. Additional note: Judging from a line in the KB text noted above, apparently Openspace Regions cannot be deeded to a group. ** This is my first post on theseforums. Hello to all. **
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