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Honey Streusel

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Everything posted by Honey Streusel

  1. Well, I have put all my items BACK into magic box seeing as my store is now messed up. every item shows to me in the pink as if not available, and I cant seem to fix this. my unlisted items i do no longer see,(those waiting to be listed and priced out) What is the exact name that should be upon the magic box? for I had changed it as a post had mentioned to get things to work, I'm assuming I need to get it back to the original name for all things to be correct once more?? Regards Honey (my items are all non copy breedables)
  2. Hello; I have been reading over & over the Magic Box to DD system I have all my folders loaded into Merchant Outbox, from the DD Migration folder etc as was mentioned to do.(from the magic box) I have gone to a ground level surface to send as well, yet still my items do not return back to my existing store. I get error message (market initialization failed,because of system or network error try again later) ok,..what shall I do beside keep trying, for now my whole store is offline. Thank you Honey
  3. Hi I have lost my MAGIC BOx full of my store items in SL. my things were returned from a sim wher i had items dropped I didnt get the home back either BUT magic box hold my entire SL store. please advise me directly. Honey Streusel
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