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Jordyn Blaylock

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Posts posted by Jordyn Blaylock

  1. I'd recommend checking out a few of the adoption agencies. I know MAW and NGI both have panels for adults that are looking for parents. As far as the kid avi thing and swearing, not all kids are 100% against it. I play a kid avi and an adult avi both in SL, and have the same parents on both, my dad doesn't censor himself when it comes to language but it has never bothered me. So may not want to rule that out completely just based on the swearing, just make sure you list that in your notecard.

  2. Hey hun. I do not own a club, just an individual. But, I would be happy to offer you some training in being a dancer in SL. I have trained many in the past and always willing to help newcomers. Feel free to contact me in world. Am under Jordyn Blaylock

  3. Heya. I have been around SL since 2006 and have recently realized that while I can do basic building and semi decent photography, I do not have any real skills. I am very creative though and love fashion so I thought I'd giving making clothes a shot. What I am looking for is someone to help me learn on a one-on-one basis. I will be willing to pay anyone willing to help me. I've tried in world classes as well as out of world tutorials but I learn alot better when its one-on-one and hands on. If anyone is interested let me know or has any tips for me thats fine also. We can discuss rates later.


    Jordyn Blaylock

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