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Quess Qinan

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Posts posted by Quess Qinan

  1. I picked up a coiuple of threads discussing this issue and i understand people's frustration. There is nothing wrong with the Second Life viewer, there is nothing wrong either with the 6770M GPU and there is nothing wrong with your HP notebook. The only problem is HP's feature of dynamic switchable graphics between the inboard low performance and the additional high-performance GPU's. There is an easy solution to it, which will take you 30 minutes to install and get your SLV up and running fine. Here is my post pasted from another thread.

    First of all there is an easy solution to your problem, but let me first explain what is going wrong here. The newer HP notebooks, DV6 and DV7 (and Envy for that matter) use a feature called Dynamic switching of GPU's. Note that these notebooks are fitted with both the internal Intel graphic processor for low performance and an alternative, high performance GPU. In order to save power, HP will automatically switch between the two depending on the graphic requirements of the application and whether or not the notebook is plugged in. To some extent you can change the power saving settings to use the high performance GPU's, but there is only one issue, you can not set high performance for OpenGL application such as Second Life viewers. Now if you don't do anything about this, then you are stuck and you end up using a reasonable high performance notebook in a low performance mode in respect of certain applications. Meanwhile, HP have recognized the problem and issued two upgrades, both necessary, to overcome the problem. First of all you will need to download and install an upgrade of the BIOS. The upgrade contains a setting to change the switchable graphics from Dynamic to Fixed, which is what you want to do. Sounds difficult and critical? It is not difficult, but BIOS upgrades always are critical so therefore follow the simple instructons carefully. The second upgrade covers the Intel and, in your case AMD, drivers for the GPU's, to enable the Fixed mode. A simple installation. Do you need to go back to the BIOS each time you run Second Life? No, you only perform this action once. Basically, you want the notebook to work in Fixed mode for switchable GPU's to get the most out of your high performing GPU. Also in Fixed mode, you can easily set the GPU's to low power functioning once you remove the power line.. Okay, that is most likely what your problem is. Here is the link where you can solve the issue. It will take 30 minutes of your time and you  will be running SL with a good Graphics card. Good luck with it.

    The first link shows HP's official ackowledgement of the issue. It contains also the links to both upgrades. The second link below takes you directly to the upgrade downloads.



    Have fun. You will find Second Life working fine with the 6770M GPU.

  2. First of all there is an easy solution to your problem, but let me first explain what is going wrong here. The newer HP notebooks, DV6 and DV7 (and Envy for that matter) use a feature called Dynamic switching of GPU's. Note that these notebooks are fitted with both the internal Intel graphic processor for low performance and an alternative, high performance GPU. In order to save power, HP will automatically switch between the two depending on the graphic requirements of the application and whether or not the notebook is plugged in. To some extent you can change the power saving settings to use the high performance GPU's, but there is only one issue, you can not set high performance for OpenGL application such as Second Life viewers. Now if you don't do anything about this, then you are stuck and you end up using a reasonable high performance notebook in a low performance mode in respect of certain applications. Meanwhile, HP have recognized the problem and issued two upgrades, both necessary, to overcome the problem. First of all you will need to download and install an upgrade of the BIOS. The upgrade contains a setting to change the switchable graphics from Dynamic to Fixed, which is what you want to do. Sounds difficult and critical? It is not difficult, but BIOS upgrades always are critical so therefore follow the simple instructons carefully. The second upgrade covers the Intel and, in your case AMD, drivers for the GPU's, to enable the Fixed mode. A simple installation. Do you need to go back to the BIOS each time you run Second Life? No, you only perform this action once. Basically, you want the notebook to work in Fixed mode for switchable GPU's to get the most out of your high performing GPU. Also in Fixed mode, you can easily set the GPU's to low power functioning once you remove the power line.. Okay, that is most likely what your problem is. Here is the link where you can solve the issue. It will take 30 minutes of your time and you  will be running SL with a good Graphics card. Good luck with it.

    The first link shows HP's official ackowledgement of the issue. It contains also the links to both upgrades. The second link below takes you directly to the upgrade downloads.



    Have fun. You will find Second Life working fine with the 6770M GPU.

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