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Everything posted by Bleize

  1. So a couple days ago I could use voice fine. Now it's greyed out (Speech button) in all regions, even voice-enabled ones, yet I can hear others speaking. I went to check my I/O devices and it says "Please wait" or "Loading" (something along those lines) and never loaded. Could it be because I am on a wi-fi connection for laptop? Like I said it worked fine on this connection the other day.
  2. I have a fair amount of experience with using Shoutcast; I have created my own stream and broadcasted music as well as taking requests, and using voice as well. However, I have never done it in Second Life. How would you recommend getting started? Are there any clubs etc. that will take freelance first-timers, and maybe show me how to connect my stream to SL or use their stream? I figured the ability to handle requests and voice, plus previous shoutcast experience may give me a boost. I mostly have a lot of pop, techno/house, dance music, if that helps.
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