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Carolina Ashmoot

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Posts posted by Carolina Ashmoot

  1. Hello everyone, I need someone to help me with this, I'm starting a hudge mesh heads project, and I need some help. I'm going to make a hud for my heads so I need to cut the heads into pices, like brows, hairbase,mouth... to change the textures (the problem is really not about to model the head, I'm ok with this). I noticed that when the head is cutted in pices, the bopyboters have too much work and they simply give up on copying the head. BUT! I also noticed that the heads or bodies that are cutted, also have balls or boxes inside the mesh or over the avatar's head. I was searching about thar horrible race ( copyboters) and I found a gyazo of a completly broken mesh head from a great store ( they were saying that they cant join because the parts are all messed) and over the head there was a box. I thought that it can be possibly a mesh generator just like houses creators does. So basically the other head creators do it  all cutted, the parts are rigged, they dont seem to be joined, it looks like a mess on blender, and its perfect on second life, what could it be? can I pay someone to do this for me?

    A friend of mine also said that blender cannot rigg many parts together so would this be the key? if I rigg the head in other program that allows me to rigg more parts so it looks messed when someone imports it into blender? am I missing a secret group of builders that knows how to protect mesh heads and bodies? I need to protect my store, and my clients, please help!

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