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  1. el caso esque le di a cancelar cuenta por error y quiero saber si se puede parar , ya que aun no ha sido efectuada aun esa cancelacion gracias
  2. Eso que te muerdan realmente es una tonteria , te explico , basicamente es un juego de rol , hay varios pero el mas importante es el de blooline , el que te muerdan o no es cosa tuya o de ellos pero relamente a ti no te afecta , ya que para que tubiera algun sentido , tu tendrias q comprarte hud y cosas asi .Yo he pasado por eso , ser vampira y lycantropa y aparte de gastarme una pasta en sangre y lumen (comida oficial de los lobos) no sirve para nada mas.Lo del coyar de ajo otra tonteria mas , es tan facil como fijarse cuando te mandan algo , que sismepre suele ser personas a las que no conoces de nada , asi que ya no solo por tu "alma" si no por montones de cosas que te pueden pasar en tu inventario como cosas copiadas , objetos que roban lindes etc , yo me leeria bien lo que te mandan sin venir a cuento y que personas te lo mandan. en fin espero averte ayudado con algo , pero resumiendo "solo es un juego del rol en el que te hacen falta unos hud(799l el de bloodline) ellos muerden para "alimentarse" se dice que tu alma esta en el limbo cuando no estas convertida del todo(amos q no te has gastado la pasta en el hud), si no kieres seguir ese juego nisiquiera deveria afectarte el "no tener alma" ya ue no te involucra en nada y mucho menos no le pasara nada a tu avatar
  3. Hello, I have that problem, I threatened me with banishment and 1 hour after I have restricted entry to second life. I have been trying to fix my problem over a year and not answer my tikects. Over time I learned that LL hire regular people to catch people who do not meet the TOS, but more interesting is that these people use these permits to do evil, and even charge for bans, I'm not making this up I see with own eyes, it's more, friends say that my head 40000l cost and possibly never to recover without aver never done anything. This to me is frustrating, because I have all my fashion store veneficios lost for the simple fact, that one perturbations want to **bleep** me. What can you say you to me? , To be able to do? I be Spanish, not English, much less Americanized English, the Spanish support leaves much to be desired, NEVER, NEVER know it can happen and you just say "send tikets to support" my tikets in the case were never answered . With this mean for my q LL just look for their veneficios, bone, thousands of dollars to get into his pocket and thinks of the poor dupes who are so fat. To conclude that this person did tiket reporting a copybot I use that account and it had only a skin and hair a shape that I had just bought, in addition to 30000 l spent on templates and textures for my store in addition to all edge gained with my creations since he was a closet to store avatar creations and boundaries. In short, for my LL is only a thief but aprobecha that good people like us and just stay with the **bleep** having fun just hurting for hurting. 
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