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Xixe Graves

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Posts posted by Xixe Graves

  1. 8 hours ago, BookishMelinoe said:

    Is it possible you accidentally have your parcel set to return other people's objects, and coincidentally that happened at the same time as your area search? Your partner would be able to tell because they'd have gotten them back suddenly (probably all as one object).

    You also might have packet loss, try TPing away and coming back, they might reappear.

    I did have a weird thing happen a few hours ago where I couldn't see something I knew was there, but when I right clicked where it was supposed to be, it reappeared.

    I logged back in this morning and the objects owned by my partner are still gone. The auto return object policy is set to "0", so it should be off.  The objects do not show up in area search.  If I right click where they should be, there is nothing there.

  2. I am using Second Life 3.0.3 (240895) Sep 15 2011 on a mac running OS 10.6 (Lion) and I can not get profiles to display correctly.  When I try to view a profile I get a white web page with links and no graphics.  Most importantly, I can not change the permissions granted to some of my friends.  When I click on the permissions link presented when I ask for the profile, it displays another page saying "The page you were looking for doesn't exist" 

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