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Russell Skyther

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Posts posted by Russell Skyther

  1. The issue isn't that players with 15 year old GPUs exist, it's that accommodating those GPUs causes headaches for anyone who *doesn't* have a 15 year old GPU. I would have worded it nicer then "Anyone still using a 15 year old GPU isn't paying for the game" because some clearly do, even if just a little. But the size of that group is fixed: People's old GPUs die, and the replace them with newer GPUs (even if not the latest). SL is one of the few examples where an upgrade can make your performance *worse*.

    I wager that the eventual Vulkan pipeline will improve the experience for enough people (using anything from $100 x86 single-board computers or newer off-lease workstations with AMD APUs, to high-end desktops with gaming GPUs) that the above group of legacy users is going to get completely ignored fairly quickly, which is unfortunate.

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  2.      I come from a world of text-games and MUDs, same idea, just you need to know how to read fast to play. Alts have a lot of valid uses, staff don't use the same char as the ones they go have fun with, or  shouldn't, rather. differant RP themes might also warrent it, if you rp enough to justify having a char JUST for that. they can also be good for the market, assuming your buying stuff for all of them... I keep myself to a four account limit, really. which is a personal preferance.

         Honestly, I don't like taking things from folks, I know it costs real money to put it there. There's so much free or nearly free stuff out there you don't have an excuse using a premium player as a springboard for one char, let alone all of them. If you don't use it to spy on folks, and you don't use it to break the game, as it where, then it's alright... sadly, most folks don't really adhere to that, which hurts the folks that are trying to be honest about it.

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