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Everything posted by ringstadjr

  1. Hello I've got a problem with rotation. I'm making a puzzle consisting of 27 dice arranged in a grid 3x3x3. The purpose of the puzzle is to rotate the surrounding dice in accordance with the center die, ie. 4 should go against 4 on the neighbouring die. See image. You can rotate each die, except the center, along all axis by first touching one of the wooden boxes(up, right, across). You rotate 90 degress each time you touch. My approach has been to convert each die's rotation to euler vector and send it to the center die. The center die keeps a list over all the vectors and compares it with a solution list, which keeps the correct rotations. The problem is that a die seems to be able to have the same orientation, but still have different vectors representing that orientation. I realize the problem is my understanding of rotation in second life, so if someone would like to give me an explanation I'd be very grateful.
  2. Tried your script but got this error: "illegal character <> 65279". Don't know what that error means,Wasn't this meant as a stand alone script perhaps?
  3. I'm new to this. Is there any way to create a smooth movement of objects? I have tried using setPos with a for loop and llSleep in between. Unfourtunately llSleeps has a min llSleep of 0.2, I think. So I tried making a loop by swapping states and got down to a 0.1 sec delay. Is that the best possible "smoothness"? And are there differences between physical objects and non physicals?
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