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Posts posted by ExoDrone

  1. Questions, questions, so many questions.... but I'll boil it down to just a few.

    1. "I have many different kinds of jobs" and "the job is very easy" (yes I'm paraphrasing, but that's what I got out of it) sound like two things that don't really rhyme.
    It's a bit like saying "I sell many different kinds of fruit. It is a banana", isn't it?

    2. Unless it's a job for the NSA or an IS recruitment pitch for hiring the next great martyr, there is no need to be this secretive about just which job/jobs you're looking to get filled.
    Even if it's many jobs, too many to list, you can safely shed some light on at least some of them here on the forums.
    Wait.... it really is an IS recruitment pitch, right? Damnit, I knew it....

    3. The last time that I responded to a job ad with no job details or any other information, I was told to come all the way to the back of a dimly lit car park.
    There was a worn-down, beaten up van there.
    And even now, years later, I still can't sit on a hard chair without crying over how my rear end hurts.
    So.... yeah, if someone replies to this ad, will there be a van in the back of a dimly lit car park?

    4. Took a look at your store, just to see what sort of type we're dealing with here.
    Several of the items in your store seem to have been taken down the hard way, items which I've also seen in other stores.
    What would that say about any possible employment with you?
    I mean, if someone signs up now, and actually gets a job from you, will they still have that job the very next day, or will they show up for work and find the workplace has vanished?

    I'll leave it at that...

  2. Hello, 

    I've spent hours by now (well, I started at roughly 10:45PM my time and now it's 9:28AM) trying to find a certain look for the Aventity equine avi (male version), with Blunderforge mod (Felsteed stallion).

    On a former account of mine I've had some success in using a few kilts with the digi legs of this equine, but after all the time spent looking and throwing L$ at trying out ones that didn't have demo versions, I'm now at a point where it's becoming my big white whale (yip, Ahab refference, that's where I'm at now lol).

    The look I'm trying to get would be a leathery harness for the upper body and a long kilt for the lower, and obviously one that won't work too bad with the digitigrade legs of this avi (I'm actually liking those legs)

    Or, if such an outfit isn't readily available, could someone perhaps point me to a place that still exists which might have at least "knee-length" pants that fit this avi so I won't risk my anatomically incorrect *beep*-less avi getting booted from some store again for being underdressed?
    (which is quite the ironic observation; going to a clothing store to try and find some clothes that might fit you, but instead getting the big boot up the old warwound because.... you don't have clothes on. Hello, you're running a clothing store, pops, if I had clothes to wear, I wouldn't be going to your supposedly furry-friendly -clothing- store lol...)

    Eh, I am on the verge of passing out from sleep deprevation so I'll check if anyone might have some pointers for me when I return to the land of the living.

    * Edited, lack of sleep apparrently can cause the typing out of double words without the brain catching on lol

    Editing to add the following: 

    Someone tolld me that there might be kilt-based outfits for a specific line of lycan avatars that might work well enough.
    Unfortunately they didn't know the exact name, or if the outfits are even sold on the marketplace.
    I've ran a few searches on the marketplace and in the viewer which didn't turn up anything so far.
    What the person did manage to tell me is that the store also sells a related line of minotaur/dragon-people avatars and outfits for them.

    If that sounds familiar to anyone, I'd be really grateful for any way to find out which store that would be.

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