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Posts posted by Ladanya

  1. 6.1 You will not post or transmit prohibited Content, including any Content that is illegal, harassing or violates any person's rights.

    You agree that you will not:

    (i) Post, display, or transmit Content that violates any law or the rights of any third party, including without limitation Intellectual Property Rights. We reserve the right to request at any time proof of permissions in a form acceptable to us. Failure to provide such proof may lead to, among other things, removal of such Content from the Service;

    (ii) Impersonate any person or entity without their consent, or otherwise misrepresent your affiliation, or if you are an adult, impersonate a minor for the purpose of interacting with a minor using the Service;

    (iii) Stalk, harass, or engage in any sexual, suggestive, lewd, lascivious, or otherwise inappropriate conduct with minors on the Service;

    (iv)  Post, display, or transmit Content that is harmful, threatening or harassing, defamatory, libelous, false, inaccurate, misleading, or invades another person's privacy;

    (v) Post, display, or transmit Content that is obscene, hateful, or racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable; or

     (vi) Post, display or transmit any Content or conduct or host any activity that is sexually explicit, or intensely violent.
    Any violation by you of the terms of this Section may result in immediate termination of your Accounts without any refund or other compensation.


  2. Ok. This is not a blame game & I don't need someone else repeating to me what has already been said before on this thread. Let's get this straight, I'm not even trying to justify what I did. So no, I don't blame myself and I don't need anyone else judging me for making a mistake, whether or not it was legal/illegal especially if they constantly fail to understand my point in the first place. Intention does matter, b/c if someone commits a mistake by accident even if they failed to completely follow a rule or is not totally clear on the rules you can't just automatically assume that they are a total "law breaker".

  3. My intent does matter. & I'm sure you wouldn't say that your intent never matters with anything. People use and sell things based on RL celebs in the SL marketplace all the time. Once again, even if I had the permission to redistribute a Celeb's likeness in SL, how could I prove that anyway? What is so hard for you to understand what I am saying? My main point is that some of my items have been removed from my SL marketplace for even reasons that don't make sense period! I didn't write on this forum to argue or debate with anyone. Nor do I want to waste further time on it. There is no point or sense to keep dragging on a topic especially if I know for sure that I am not going to agree with you and you are not going to agree with me. & you can't say that someone's intent doesn't matter, especially if you don't even know them. People make mistakes. Let's even take this out of the context of SL and use RL. For instance, if someone breaks the law (especially if it is a petty crime/violation like not seeing a "stop" sign or a red traffic light and their car keeps moving past it without stopping) and it wasn't his/her intent to violate the rules, would you punish them and/or label them a "criminal"?? Yeah, I think not.

  4. It's obvious that you don't understand what I mean at all. Whatever. Whether or not I have the right to redistribute something doesn't matter b/c even my items which didn't really violate anything (which are most of my items) have been removed from my marketplace store. I know what my intentions are when I list my items in my SL store and they are NOT to break LL & TOS rules. Simple as that.

  5. I wasn't profitting off someone's death. I'm not like that. Even though the media, the internet, and even people in SL do it all the time. I was paying tribute. I have been trying to follow LL guidelines but it's like there is always some little nagging and accidentally overlooked detail that ends up being flagged on my items like for instance me not having the exact category listed *facepaws*. Anyways, I'm pretty much done with this thread. A thanks to the people who understood what I was saying.

  6. @ Lilly: It was for sale not a freebie but doesn't really matter b/c either if it would be for free, it's still for sale and works in favor of having the store on the market. Unfortunately, it seems that SL always prefers to teach me the hard way.


     @ Perrie: That's the thing, I wasn't using or claiming the image as my own. The main thing I was actually selling was the frame and the attached candle. The photo of Robin Williams was added in nice touch and as a memoriam to him. My whole point in this matter is that I am just sick and tired of having my items removed from my sl marketplace especially when the reason is very complicated and yet everyone else who actually are obviously infringing on rights do not have their items removed. Anyways, it's all like a contradiction b/c alot of the items on the sl marketplace are based on RL products and/or some of the content that is incorporated into the items are from the internet. So why not just shut down the whole marketplace then?

  7. See. That is what I mean. If they want to take certain listings of mine down b/c they claim it violates a certain policy then fine BUT then they should take down everybody else's. I think the whole idea of basing SL products on RL celebrities/brands being a violation is silly b/c if that is the case then why not just take down everything that involves celebrities/brands on the internet down alltogether. I would think that since the internet (and celebrity likeness etc.) is open to the public that people should be able to use some of the sources/likenesses and incorporate them into the SL market and such. It's done all the time in RL. Once again, it wasn't like I was claiming that I created the pic of Robin William's or that I owned anything of his. Even if his estate or any celebrity allowed me to use his/her likeness in the SL market, how would I be able to prove it anyway? What fun is SL if it has all these rules and violation guidelines to limit someone's idea of creativity and/or collaborating RL works with SL products/designs? Btw, thank you Amethyst.

  8. Hi. I just received a notice that an item (A framed memoriam pic of Robin Williams) I listed on my sl marketplace was removed due to intellectual property guidelines. I read the guidelines and it still does not make sense to me why my item was removed. First of all, I never claimed to own rights or that I created the pic of Robin Williams. Second, I find it to be highly unfair for my product to be removed b/c there are many listings on the SL marketplace (from merchants other than myself) who have items based on RL celebrities all the time, even with photos of the late and great Robin Williams. I didn't infringe on anyone or anything, I was just paying tribute to a great talented guy. And if I was infringing by doing that, then Linden Labs should remove everybody else's listings that involve celebrities as well. Also I am sick and tired of my sl marketplace store being unnecessarily flagged and having my items removed that are no different than everybody else's whose stores don't get targetted!:matte-motes-angry:


    -Ladanya Resident

  9. Hey guys. I just received a notice to day that my listing for a tongue stud piercing was flagged as spam. I have no idea how an item can be flagged as spam. I mean the item description contained everything that was necessary in order to manage and adjust the piercing. What shocks me is that LL flagged my listing as spam yet they seem to do nothing about the obvious spam and hacking done on sl inworld. All I can say is "WTF???!!!!". How can an item be flagged as spam??? Seriously??? Maybe it was some jealous jerk who was pissed that I was able to actually have a piercing for the tongue since I don't see many tongue piercings listed on the marketplace idk.  I know this is abuse of flagging because none of my items are spam! X-(

  10. Hey guys. I just received a notice today that my listing for a tongue stud piercing was flagged as spam. I have no idea how an item can be flagged as spam. I mean the item derscription contained everything that was necessary in order to manage and adjust the piercing. What shocks me is that LL flagged my listing as spam yet they do nothing about the obvious spam and hacking that is transpiring on sl inworld. I swear LL makes no sense sometimes. All I can say is "WTF???!!!". How can an item be flagged as spam??? Seriously??? Maybe it was some jealous jerk who was pissed that I was able to actually have a piercing for the tongue since I don't see many tongue piercings listed on the sl marketplace...especially for a very low price idk. X-P

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