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Posts posted by StanUppenbe

  1. I am renting a sim, and I had the owner of the sim change the name to one I wanted and paid for it.

    I have now found a another sim with a much better deal with the possibility of owning it, so I would like to know what the procedure would be to take that name with me so to speak , do I have to pay for a name change to get it off the sim I am renting and then pay a name change to add it to the one I am moving to. I guess my question is, does changing the name free it up so that it could be picked again, and if so how long before it would be available.

    nooo Not Parcels. of course we can do that, the name of the Sim

    LL does that. I just needed to know if paying LL to rename it to an available name, does the name become available again, and if so, how long?


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