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Chihiro Ruby

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Posts posted by Chihiro Ruby

  1. When I tried to Log-in, the LL oficeial viewer showed a message to force us  into updating.
     'UPDATE or QUIT SL' 
    I decided to uninstall LL's official viewer, and install firestorm viewer.

    I found that the firestorm viewer' was less load and more excellent graphic, and worked far better than LL's viewer without problem.

    Not a small number of Japanese are replacing their viewer from LL's to FIRESTORM.

    I'm convinced they (and I) WILL NEVER be back to the LL's official viewer, even if LL fix this '2byte problem' .
    There're no reason to quit using Firestorm, for now.

    hasta la vista '**bleep**in official SL viewer!!!' 

  2. I've downloaded the newest viewer 3.6.1.
    As LL says, Avatar loading performance might be improved .( though I don't think the change is remarkable.) 
    There's a fatal error when text chatting in Japanese.
    The words typing in Japanese displayed on upper-left in the viewer's main window, and clicking Enter key, the words are displayed in the CONVERSATIONS window.
    It is really "STRESSFUL"

    Solve this error ASAP, If you (LL) want us to use the newest official viewer!!!
    Otherwise, we Japanese have got to use some third-party viewers.





  3. Hello!
    I'm a translator for a living, and in SL too.
    I'm native born Japanese.
    If you are looking for a Japanese translator (for example advertising your Products, Land, Event etc... in Japanse), contact me.
    The translaton fee depends on the types of the documents and the number of words.
    For more information send  a Notecard or IM me. I'll reply ASAP.

    Chihiro Ruby


  4. Hello, Rockett

    I'm delighted at your post as a native born Japanese.
    But be sure that Japan and Korea are totally different.
    If you say some Korean you love Japan, most of them feel bad for you and vice versa.
    Just like some French and British hates each other.

    I'd say K-POPs are coarse mock-ups of J-POPs, and most of Vogue J-POPs are just a noisy rubbish.
    I really hate the mass produced girls groups and non-human vocals.

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