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Posts posted by Delilarax

  1. hey all,

    just wondering if it is possable to get a external design/creator program to build and design a custom avatar, like body shape, race (creatur, human, robot ect) or if it is a internal program thats build into second life,  because i would get others to make/design it but i have skills in this area and other editor related area's and i figured why not put them to the test, so i guess my point for this being "wanted" is... is there a program (out side of SL) that you download to do this or is it part of SL its self, and what other programs would be needed (if things like photoshop are needed or can be used with it)

    any infomation or tips/help any one has is greatly appreciated.



    EDIT: i should also say, i have searched the net with-in the last 27hours non-stop (with the exception of some sleep) looking for the program/app that i seek and i have only found, tut's, referance pack's, other people's work, base file's/parts (eg, body's/part's, texture's ect) file pack's, and all these are used in/with what i seek but no name of the program/app or where to get it/use it...

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