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Everything posted by HannahValentine

  1. Thank you for your answers, Rolig and Obvious! Much appreciated :) It does look like I'll have to get in touch with the creator about the problem. There's no touch menu, and "reset scripts" is greyed out in the build/edit menu. I still have all the notecards from a year ago, but don't see anything related to scripts. I'll just hope for good customer service! Original Question: Hello there, I have mesh feet that I have been wearing without a problem for probably a year now. A few days ago, after I had already been wearing them for about 15 minutes, a swirl of white sparkles began circling my avatar at ground level, and an error message began repeating rapidly: "Data Handler memory low. Please try again. Reset your jewellery if this continues to be a problem." It went away when I took my feet off, and began again immediately when I put them back on. I tried re-logging and got the same message. I did a clean re-install of the latest SL viewer and got the same message. Interestingly, I still have the other sizes of those feet in my inventory, and they work fine! They just don't fit unfortunately. Is this something I can deal with from my end, or this a bug in the product (after a year?)? Thanks for your time :)
  2. Once upon a time I set my RenderVolume LOD Factor to 4.000, and that completely took care of the problem of peek-a-boo skin. But the problem is back in the last few weeks. From a distance, my skin shows through shoes, and clothes (mesh and prim attachments), but when I pan in, the holes close up and everything looks as it should. Is there another de-bugging trick I should be using? Thank you! Thank you to Rolig and Loon! That is a lot of suggestions. I'll work my way through them, and post the solution that worked for me. I did recently install the latest SL viewer (no update, just a clean re-install), but I seem to be having the problem on Firestorm too. I'll try updating my drivers as a next step.
  3. Thank you so much to both of you!! Valerie, I just installed the version you linked me to, and it worked like a charm! :) Thank GOODNESS for you and your experience with this problem. Saved me! And Madelaine, even though reinstalling the current stable version didn't solve the problem at hand, I learned something invaluable by following your instructions. I will never again routinely click on the viewer updates that show up constantly in my IM's. Didn't realize how much that was gunking up the system. Just by doing the clean reinstall, I couldn't believe the jump in rezz speed and visual quality. Same viewer version....WORLD of difference! Glad I had that problem in the first place because I learned a lot. Initial post: I've read a couple other posts from people who say SL crashes completely for them after taking a photo and saving to disk. My problem is even weirder! As of a few weeks ago, every time I take a picture and save it to my computer, from my perspective I and everyone around me stays stuck in whatever action or pose they were in when I took the picture. So if I snap a shot at a music venue, we all still appear to be moving and dancing, and I can hear the music and chat, but I don't see new avatar activity. If someone logs out, to me they are still dancing next to me for the rest of the hour. If someone moves across the room, I still see them standing in the old spot. I don't see any new people who arrive after the photo. As for me, I'm still shifting around in my standing AO, but I can't move from my spot. However, if I teleport to a new location, I can move again and begin to see things in real time again. Lovely, but a bit inconvenient to teleport in and out of a location every time I want to take a picture. I almost want to say this started with an SL Viewer update from a few weeks back, but couldn't say for sure. An even newer update from yesterday didn't change the problem. I'm on a Mac desktop, so I didn't download that Windows program that seems to have caused problems for some other people. Anyone heard of this?
  4. Thank you to everyone who responded! I'm going to try out some of the AOs people recommended and then also play around with doing my own modifications...maybe set up that HUD. I'm not the most SL tech literate, but it will be fun to play around with.
  5. Dog poo? Oh NOOOOOOOO! Even worse. I'll never look at my AO the same way again....lol!! Thank you for the recommendations. I guess I thought trying to modify animations would be complicated and for more advanced users, but I'm definitely going to give it a try. Sounds like the perfect solution!
  6. Hi there, I would love some good recommendations for AO's that are appropriate for standing in close quarters with others at live music events. I've been very happy with my AO's, but they are not good for this type of situation. I look fidgety even if I set my animation loop to the maximum length. Ideally, I would love something where I look natural but fairly still. It would at least be nice if I weren't stepping on other people's toes and constantly playing with my hair....or......what is that movement anyway.......looking for gum on the bottom of my shoe? I don't know. In any case, I've tried just shopping around in world but haven't found quite the thing so far...... Any suggestions for a sedate stand? Thanks!!
  7. Hi Lyndelle, One option is to go on Marketplace and search the word "boi" under Avatar Components. Alternatively, you can just start with one of the basic SL shapes, right click on yourself and then "edit shape" until it looks how you want....eg. narrow the hips, shrink the breasts and even narrow the lips. I'm almost 2 years old, and to this day I use a self-tweaked version of the basic female dancer shape that comes with the starter inventory. Hope that gives you some hope!
  8. Recently, I've received a number of boxes of free outfits where every article of clothing that's part of the outfit has the "alpha" icon next to it. I don't mean that there are alpha layers included in the box with the other articles of clothing. I mean, every separate item is listed as an alpha layer even if they are described as pants, top, skirt, etc... Needless to say, when I try to wear the contents of the box, they don't show up at all. Today, I bought an outfit pictured on the box as a bodysuit made of ivy, and there was only one thing in the box....an alpha layer labeled "ivy shirt". I tried to wear it and I'm just plain naked. Is there a trick to wearing alpha layer "outfits" that I don't know about? Thanks, Acudoll
  9. I'm a newbie, who rezzed a free animation (Bliss Designs "Be Happy" smile) box to the ground. I can see something that looks like a piece of paper and a yellow triangle lying on the ground. But unlike other things I've rezzed, I can't delete the object on the gound or take it back. When I left or right click on it, nothing happens. It is stuck there. Which is extra bothersome because there's a script error repeating about once every second saying : "Script trying to trigger animations but PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION permission not set" This repeating script error follows me all over this place (INDIGO), but diappears when I TP elsewhere. Help! I don't want to leave trash behind me!!
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