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Kaleb Khaos

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Posts posted by Kaleb Khaos

  1. I understand your view of the program completely. Let me add the when I first got into 3D modeling, I used both blender and Modo 301, between the two Modo was a easier learning curve for me. Mabye I'm just to retarded for blender.

  2. I have been using Luxology Modo since version 301. Since using it, I have learned how to create well built sculpties in the program using templates readily available online. The UV is incredibly easy, and strait forward. The modeling system is well built, the same goes for the scuplt system. The rendering engine is amazing, and also very easy to use. Latley I have been testing out mesh importing into sl, using this program. So far it works perfect, with multiple meshes and UV maps. The good thing is you do not need any 3rd party plugins to save as a (.dae) it is default file type in the program. I know many people use blender, since it is free. This program is costly, but does a free trial so you can see if it is worth the price. Good Luck! ( If you need any help or tips on the program, shoot me a message in SL )

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