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Syleena Sheridan

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Everything posted by Syleena Sheridan

  1. Hi all, since 2 days i have the problem that i rezz items (mostly houses, carts, trees) and the items do not appear. There is no failure of rezzing message and the items are also not back in my inventory! Btw: there are enough prims left for rezzing the stuff. Last week the SAME things appeared, but only since 2 days not. So it has nothing to do with the prims and also not with the rights.... What can I do? Is that a SL problem (even if i do not found any other complain like that)? Thx in advance **** They are not in the lost and found folder (i forgot to write that). About the sentence: Last week the same things appeared - i just wanted to say, last week i rezzed for example a house and it was placed on my land. When i did not needed the house anymore, i took it back to my inventory. Yesterday I wanted to rezz the house again - it disappeared in my inventory, which is normal by no copy items - but did not rez. also on the whole sim (area search) the item was not found. *** Thx to both of you. I will talk to my sim owner if a restart is possible. Sadly i am not a premium (i never made that in my ages in sl *g* )
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