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Coffee Biscuit

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Posts posted by Coffee Biscuit

  1. *SOLVED! Thank you ♥*

    I'm trying to use Bento viewer to see the new mesh heads created for Bento, but the mesh looks distorted, like melting down from my face to my chest :S
    I was using Bento a fornight ago and it looked just right.
    Can somebody help me?
    Thanks in advance

  2. Thank you very very much Peggy, for your help, and excuse my lack of knowledge and english vocabulary, it isn't my mother language :matte-motes-bashful:

    I'll tell the land owner about that and will do a more exhaustive research about "griefing" and how to fight it.

    Thanks a lot! :matte-motes-little-laugh:

  3. No, no, sorry If my explanation was faulty.

    I mean hacking or crashing a sim with special HUDs or viewers, like those viewers that were used to steal content, but with other options like to incredibly increase the lag of a certain place or make the sim crash.

    I know they exist because I've read of them in some forums, but I don't know their names or how to fight them.

    A sim of a friend is crashing every time she wants to start an auction... an auction with only 10 assistants in a sim with a capacity of 100 avatars. And that is beginning to feel like a strange coincidence.

    I can redirect to a youtube video were a guy shows how he crashes a sim with his own "sim crashers":

  4. Is there any way to hack a sim without the owner knowing? With any kind of special viewer or a HUD?

    I've heard, that security orbs may aboid some problems, and there are detectors against certain viewers... but I don't know the name of those... Any help please? :(

  5. I know the sim OWNER is LL, but if you look carefully, in the Land propierties you'll find the name of the "owner" or whaterver you want to call it.

    Owner, in fact is the name SL gives to the people that rent a land and have full permission.

    On the other hand, LL is doing nothing to "catch the criminals" if the land owner has no evidence of the "crime".

    I've heard, that some security orbs may aboid some problems, and there are detectors agains certain viewers... but I don't know the name of those, that's why I ask.

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