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Everything posted by NatM

  1. Never mind. He's been running a collection script on my computer for months.
  2. I have a help desk ticket in with LL. I'll let you know what they say. If anything. Funny thing, I responded to the original email with the picture attachment. When I went into my sent items there was a youtube video embedded in the body of the email about something called Metasploit. It wasn't visible in the original email they sent and I did not add it when I replied. This just keeps getting stranger,
  3. The picture is in a Word Doc. and I can figure out how to link it to this board. It is basically just a screen shot showing where I was standing, It was the entire screen including the address bar at the top. Thanks for the input all.
  4. Exact instructions were: Ping lindens website from a command prompt Get the IP address go to My Network Search for the IP address When you get it try to access some of the servers listed Once you get in you can search for your own avatar name They keep logs of everything 90 days. probably for legal reasons. If you are prompted for a password try obvious ones like linden1 or pass@word or admin or administrator I don't know if this is possible or would be considered a security breach but I certainly would consider it an invasion of my provacy since he claims to have gotten screen shots. One entitled "last bitmap image" and the date and sim where it was taken.
  5. He said something about pinging the website from the command prompt and then trying ip addresses in "My Network" then trying generic passwords if prompted. Like pass@word or admin.
  6. Someone in RL told me that he was able to access Linden Lab servers and get screen shots of my avatar that were saved there. I was emailed two of them and he said they were dated. Is this possible?
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