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Posts posted by Silverthorne1488311611

  1. I apogize that my answer is in English, but I hope it is helpful to you.

    Second Life is more of a free form simulation rather than a game like World of Warcraft or Halo; all content is actually created by the people playing in it, and depending on what area you visit will dictate what can be done there, based on what the person who 'owns' or 'rents' the area has set up in that area. Some people do indeed set up areas that simulate MMO type games, others set their areas up more for socializing, and yet others for people to explore what they've created, and so forth.

    Combat zones have to be set by the owner of the area you are in. There are many areas that you can find if you look up 'gaming' and 'roleplay' regions that are like this and were made for exactly this purpose. However, if you are not in an area that allows combat, you cannot attack other players. Second Life is not really like most online MMO games where you can battle other players directly; not only does the area have to be set to combat mode, but you will also need to buy or be given extras to attach to your character to be able to participate in such activites (the same goes for the sexual activities). None of the effects are permanent; usually you need to give permission for something to affect your avatar in the first place, and disengaging the item that allows you to participate or even just teleporting to a different area is enough to interrupt the action being taken.

    There are some players who are good at programming things that can temporarily override your avatar, but usually leaving the area, or, if necessary, logging off for a few minutes can clear those things.

    As for the sexual things; if you go into areas designated as 'adult', it is possible to find places that will follow the act all the way through if you participate, but this also needs various attachments and 'HUDs' (avatar controllers) in order to take place. Your best bet is to research various groups before actually taking your avatar to the area to see what is hosted there.

    If you want to get a good idea of what you can do in Second life, and where you can do it, a good place to start is on this

    page: http://secondlife.com/destinations?lang=en-US

    or the Spanish version of 'Destinations'.

  2. Like the others have pointed out, the water beyond the borders of a private SIM are not actually accessible; think of them as, essentially, a really nice 3D background for your island. Sailable waters have to be on an active SIM region, whether privately owned, or part of LL's public areas. Which means you have three choices;


    1) share borders with neighbors who have water next to your borders and who will give you permission to go into their areas.

    2) Buy lower prim 'homestead' regions to border your main region for the water portion you want to sail on (which can get very expensive very quickly).

    3) Dedicate some of the land allotment on your SIM to water rather than have the whole thing as a land mass. You won't have a vast ocean to travel, but some sailing space is better than none at all if that's what you're into but still want to have your own land away from everyone else.



    The reason why water is easily sailable on public lands is because all the regions share borders and all belong/ are 'paid for' to Linden Labs, which can set the permissions, which include being able to travel from region to region by land or sea without interruption unless you run into a bit of rented land that the renter has blocked off from other people entering. By contrast, Private land is surrounded by unused and therefor unactivated areas, so nothing is there technically; someone would have to pay the fees to keep the areas active and accessible.


    I hope that made sense.


    Late edit: 

    A much shorter and direct answer is that yes, you can either pay for your own (private) regions to get what you want, or else look around in land sales, on the forums, or even on the SL marketplace under rentals to find what you're looking for.

    The question is whether you're willing to pay out of your own pocket to get exactly what you want (private land), or if you're willing to either pay another player to rent one of their regions, or invest in mainland with the understanding that it will never ever be fully 'free' of neighbors that might do things to the surrounding area you won't like.

    Getting your own region will be faster, but more expensive. All other options require research and a willingess to trust other players and be willing to put up with some inconveniences, but could be cheaper in the long run.


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