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Posts posted by heuristic1488311601

  1. If you're a builder who is capable of creating a lot of quality building structures in a minimal amount of time for a cheap price, then send me an instant message in second life because I have continuous work for you.

    Creativity is a bonus, no texturing, sculpting, mesh required just basic building skills with the ability to create something in a day or two so you could move onto the next project. 

  2. If you're a decent builder and are willing to create building structuresand other common objects for L$99 or less, send me a notecard in-world.

    If you can make decent original textures using your camera and photoshop tools, also please contact me in-world.

    Lots of work, looking for people who love to build!

  3. I'm looking for talented builders in second life, preferably just months old who have already mastered the art of building and wouldn't mind creating works for a little money on the side because it can be difficult in second life especially if you're new.


    1. You must speak good english.
    2. You must be good at accurate structure designs.
    3. Texturing is not as important but a plus.

    If you're looking for something pretty consistent I need a lot of things done and much is up to your own creativity.  The pay is not very significant so if you're looking to make it rich, you can move on, but if you enjoy building and wouldn't mind having a pretty consisnt job to make a few bucks here and there, this is the job for you.

    Send a notecard to "Heuristic Resident" in Second Life with an example build and we'll go from there! 

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