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Shelby Robbiani

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Posts posted by Shelby Robbiani

  1. This new bug I've squired has been driving me nuts.  At my home, on the mainland, rezzed objects (regardless of owner, type, age) are disappearing in SL Official Viewer, FS and Catznip and this has been going on more than 45 days. I have my home on a platform (at 2051 Feet) and I've been here for years. I change things often (flowers, wall hangings, landscaping) and prior to the first week in December haven't had a problem.

    Now,, i'll make some purchases for my home, or even just find something in my inventory, rez it and when I come back it's gone.  At first, I was replacing these things, and this includes my platform, which I completely redid my platform and walls after the last time this happened a few weeks ago and i'd come back and the old reappeared so then I had double! About a week ago is when I redid the platform and the walls and removed all my knick-knacks and Paintings and I thought I'd lost this bug only to find it again today.

    I primarily use the Catznip viewer but have been checking it, the SL Oficial Viewer and FS and it's the same in all 3.

    I haven't contacted support yet and I was going to this morning but I thought I'd post here to see if anyone has had this happen.

    BTW...my graphics settings are one tick above High (default for my graphics card, and the object LOD is set to High).

    Thanks, in advance 🙂

  2. Turns out the LL agent on my support case was back today so she reached out to me for an update. For all those still following, here's where things stand. No change on the Win 11 Laptop's login status, still can't login. In regards to the Win 10 Laptop's ability to receive objects (notecards and textures were received), i ran some tests this afternoon and found the following:

    TESTING Jan 17 2022

    Delivery is intermittent today, not blocked completely.

    At MY home, I RECEIVED (PUSHED OUT FROM VENDOR)  the PowderPack. I successfully opened it and successfully downloaded and opened all 8 boxes.

    Then I TP'd to Blueberry where I tried UNsuccessfully to get a few things re-delivered.  They didn't come and I didn't receive an error message.

    I tp'd to FAMESHED.

    PART 1 I successfully received a texture from a vendor (not one from FAMESHED, it was an advertisement).

    PART 2 I went to the Vendor for AYASHI and tried to get a Dem and I was successsful.

    PART 3 I clicked on a demo at the vendor and I received it.

    PART 4 I went to a  redelivery at the FAMESHED VENDOR for the CREATOR Ayashi and was successful 1 in 5 tries.


        impossible to locate the product [^.^Ayashi^.^] Kameyo hair-Blond set in any redelivery terminal. Please contact Ikira Frimon if the issue persists.

    Orig Purchase 12.25.21


        impossible to locate the product [^.^Ayashi^.^] Kaede hair-Blond set in any redelivery terminal. Please contact Ikira Frimon if the issue persists.

    Orig purchase 12.25.21


        impossible to locate the product [^.^Ayashi^.^] Kaede hair-Brown set in any redelivery terminal. Please contact Ikira Frimon if the issue persists.
    Orig purchase 12.3.21


        Redeliver request sent, product [^.^Ayashi^.^] Sumie hair-Brown set is being delivered to Shelby Robbiani

    Orig Purchase 9.22.21

        impossible to locate the product [^.^Ayashi^.^] Kameyo hair-Blond set in any redelivery terminal. Please contact Ikira Frimon if the issue persists.
    PART 5 I went to the vendor for the creator
        COCO and made a live purchase at FAMESHED. The purchase was successful in that I was charged and

    END of testing


  3. 11 hours ago, Qie Niangao said:
    On 1/16/2022 at 9:22 AM, Shelby Robbiani said:

    The latest issue is that I am unable to receive any purchases on the Win 10 laptop (includes redeliveries) so now all viewers and all accounts and both laptops are affected by what I can only assume is the same issue.

    Wow, that's an especially weird twist in this saga. I don't have a theory either way, but just for sanity sake, these purchases and redeliveries are all from Marketplace, right? I mean, if I set a box to sell to you in-world, you could buy it, right? and it would end up in your inventory, or not? (If not, I'd try to sell it "original" so you should get ownership of the rezzed box, and then see if you could Take it into Inventory.) But no matter: this is very, very weird.

    Before I saw this problem with the older laptop, I was going to ask if the machines might have different detailed network configurations (maybe at some point DNS servers specified on one or the other) to explain why the newer one lost region connectivity. But now I think only Support will be able to figure out what's going wrong by watching what happens (and doesn't happen) on their end.

    None are from the MP, these are in-world live purchases not being given from the vendors and the first place it happened was Cosmopolitan on the 13th, so many different vendors. My next test was re-deliveries, which also failed. There was an error message that the product could not be found, again with multiple vendors.

    I don't know if it's happening on both laptops, because I haven't tested that than condition cuz I'm unable to log on but I made that assumption.

    Thanks for the information on support. What is Concierge support?

  4. 27 minutes ago, Qie Niangao said:
    21 hours ago, Shelby Robbiani said:

    The latest issue is that I am unable to receive any purchases on the Win 10 laptop (includes redeliveries) so now all viewers and all accounts and both laptops are affected by what I can only assume is the same issue.

    Wow, that's an especially weird twist in this saga. I don't have a theory either way, but just for sanity sake, these purchases and redeliveries are all from Marketplace, right? I mean, if I set a box to sell to you in-world, you could buy it, right? and it would end up in your inventory, or not? (If not, I'd try to sell it "original" so you should get ownership of the rezzed box, and then see if you could Take it into Inventory.) But no matter: this is very, very weird.

    Before I saw this problem with the older laptop, I was going to ask if the machines might have different detailed network configurations (maybe at some point DNS servers specified on one or the other) to explain why the newer one lost region connectivity. But now I think only Support will be able to figure out what's going wrong by watching what happens (and doesn't happen) on their end.

    None are from the MP, these are in-world live purchases not being given from the vendors and the first place it happened was Cosmopolitan on the 13th, so many different vendors. My next test was re-deliveries, which also failed. There was an error message that the product could not be found, again with multiple vendors.

    I don't know if it's happening on both laptops, because I haven't tested that than condition cuz I'm unable to log on but I made that assumption.

    Thanks for the information on support. What is Concierge support?

    • Thanks 1
  5. Thank you so much for the quick answers 🙂 I do have tickets opened and I'm premium so not only did I use the chat function but the agent opened the tickets for me. Last i heard, maybe a week ago now, is that it was being escalated.  I have tried numerous regions, and just now tried the 3 you gave but unfortunately no joy. 

    One of the strangest things about this issue is that I have a laptop that I can use, my old one, where I can log on and not get caught in the Requesting Regional Capabilities flag for any of my 3 Avatars, and on the new laptop running Win 11 I cannot log on as any of them.  All in the same apartment, using the same DSL (I did power them down and restart them). Unfortunately the old laptop has many other issues so it's not a viable solution.

    What LL have told me at the help desk is that it's first in priority. Tomorrow is Monday so hopefully when I contact them, there will have been some movement.

  6. I am also stuck at the "Requesting Regional Capabilities" and have been since December 23rd.

    I have multiple support tickets open with LL and have worked with an Agent during this time. She has escalated the ticket (sometime last week) but I am still unable to log in with my good laptop running Win 11. I have a backup running Win 10 and I AM able to logon with it, but it has many other issues which is why I had to replace it.

    The Win 10 laptop CAN successfully log in with my main and Alt's but my other laptop running Win 11 (upgraded in October 2021 and running SL daily since then ) is at the brick wall of Requesting Regional Capabilities.

    I have done a clean install for all my accounts and the 3 viewers that I use, (Catznip and Firestorm and SL Official)and there was 1 day when I got through in the evening but by tne next morning I was locked out again with this same message.

    The latest issue is that I am unable to receive any purchases on the Win 10 laptop (includes redeliveries) so now all viewers and all accounts and both laptops are affected by what I can only assume is the same issue. The inability to receive my purchases ticket has been open since January 13th but it feels much longer. 

    This is starting to feel like it's personal, I am jk but I am beyond ridiculously frustrated!

    Any advise you can offer would be much appreciated!

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