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Posts posted by GimmeCat

  1. Well then, many thanks for your valuable wisdom on the subject. :)

    I'm also pretty excited to see how mesh grows and evolves. I think I'll feel much more comfortable being able to animate that way. I've heard rumours about its current bugginess and the ease of mesh theft, but hopefully the major issues will be addressed before the community writes it off as a failed experiment. I really want it to succeed.

  2. Hi there,

    Many animal avatars and pets have stiff-looking legs, due to the inability to add more bones to the skeleton. But it seems a few talented animators have worked around this limitation. I'm looking for any tips or advice you could offer to someone interested in developing good, realistic animations for these types of avatars.

    The biggest problem I see in many animals/ferals, are feet that cannot bend below the hock. But I have seen some that work around this (Tokushi's Feral Fox springs to mind). Is it just a matter of fusing the hock joint, using the skeleton's foot instead directly linked to the animal's toes? Is there any way to have both joints animating?


    Thanks for any advice!

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