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Posts posted by Recruiter865

  1. I joined a group that is soley for spamming and would like to know how or where to get a program or hud or anything that allows me to send a message every so often without me having to do anything.  I don't want to spam it non stop or be annoying or anything.. only a reasonable amount


  2. I am starting up a cam studio for cam girls..  I know there's a bunch of girls in SL escorting that are into this line of work.  Am I allowed to recruit any girls in SL for this? I won't be harassing anyone or spamming..  heck I don't even IM any escorts or any girls for that matter when recruiting..  I just have the info up in my profile and hope if anyone's interested they will contact me.

    Is that fair and allowed?  They can play SL at the same time.. so they could escort in SL as well and would just put more money in their account in the long run


    And if I can do this, where are some good freelance places I can advertise or stand around with a titler at?


    Thanks guys

  3. Not sure this is a viewer problem or what..  but I'm using phoenix if that matters


    Anyways, I wen't to a club and there were 3 people line dancing.. from far away you could see their dancing animations but as soon as you got a lil closer they would all freeze in place.. and as soon as I stepped back they would resume dancing again

    The sim wasn't crowded or anything at all and no lag on my machine


    How can I fix this?

  4. Haven't logged in to SL in months until just now and was thinking bout starting up again. But I remembered that you couldn't update your profile pictures on phoenix viewer and would have to use the regular viewer for that.  I also remember there being a URL I could go to and do it from a browser

    Anyone remember the URL?


    Thanks in advance

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