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Shari Bing

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Posts posted by Shari Bing

  1. Hello:)



    I have been away for a while and now when I returned, I can't seem to access music from clubs I go to. It doesn't matter if it's the 1.23 viewer or the Phoenix one which I just downloaded.

    When I arrived at a sim it tells me it has a different simulator which I believe to be the problem as to why I'm not getting music coming through.

    What can I do to fix this problem?

    I'll appreciate any help you can provide.

    Thank You

  2. Hello :)


    Other than the latest viewer which I believe is 2.0 ( something like this), which would be the best viewer available?


    I don't really like this new one (anway, it's new to me as I been away a while) as I can't seem to find my way around. I'm used to the old one we had back a long time ago the 1.23 but I don't want this one either as many times my music from sl is turned off and I can't turn it back on.

    If this is a seperate problem and it can be fixed another way without taking off the 1.23 viewer then I appreciate any info on this too.


    Many thank yous for any help.

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