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Spanky Slingshot

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Posts posted by Spanky Slingshot

  1. If it is the same place i am thinking of, I was voting there earlier in the week, and they changed it from unlimited voting, to only allowing 100 votes per hour.  which i really dont have a problem with, but i had voted 50 times, and they told me i had reached my 100 vote limit.  I told him i had only voted half of the allowed votes, but he would no longer respind to me. Come to find out, I had also been banned for a short period of time.  I did file an abuse report under Fraud.   The changes that were made today to exclude those with no payment info on file is just rediculous imho.  I really do hope that the charities involved with this mag do take heart and try to salvage their reputations.  They are really good charities, one of which i do support in RL, as well as in SL.


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