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Telly Actor

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Everything posted by Telly Actor

  1. yes, I have a copy of the original rules and then the 1st change. The last change was neither posted or sent out. You are just blocked
  2. I have been voting in a charity conttest all week, It is a contest where the L is to be given to what I know is a good charity but the ones running it are not so ethical. The rules started out one way. 50% of L d'donated' via vvotes goes to the winner, 25% to be split between 2 charities and 25 % was going to those running the contest for 'overhead' . Then peple complained when someone they were voting for fell behind and the rules were changed to appease and benefit them. Now the charities get 30% of of the funds collected (that is a plit of the 30% BETWEEN THE 2) . Many of us who play as a free a membership to sl have now, after almost a week of taking our L, have been told we can no longer vote because we don 't buy L so have no pmt info. The contest is being put on by a certain magazine and they have horns in more ways than one. Now that they have enough L to pay tiers fees for 2 months they are not allowing us to participate in the last phase of the contest and watch those we support possibly win. We can not get our L back or finish the contest. I would be happy to name names.
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