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Gabrielle Gregory

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Posts posted by Gabrielle Gregory

  1. Update!  Today I decided to work a little with the avastar rig, and I created a basic skirt, rigged it to the avastar rig and tried to export it.  Unfortunately I got the same errors as with the other items I have been working on when I use avastar so I decided to screen shot the issues I am having.  Hopefully they are simple and I can work through them one at a time!


    Thanks in advance! 


    PS. Also, today I was able to upload a cube mesh via avastar, though it was unrigged.  I still cannot do this rigged.  



  2. Yes I will definitely provide the blend file for each.   Where should I send them?   I have tried so many times to resolve each avastar problem so that I can upload that way one, one at a time and I fail miserably.


    Unfortunately I am not experienced enough to deal with all these issues on my own!  Thanks so much for helping,  please let me know where to send the files!



  3. Hi there!  The rig is a rig for a child's mesh avatar/ body,  and I do have avastar installed, but I have never been able to use it as I get a seriously long list of errors each time.  SO,  I just export as default dae and usually have no issue!  

    No foreign language issues for sure,  all English,  but I will try the previous suggestion and save to a diff file. 


    ALSO,  interestingly enough,  I remade the shorts following the exact steps, but started with a cylinder and they exported and uploaded perfectly.  I did nothing differently,  but I still want to figure this out because I like the look of a cube/subs mod better.   Any ideas on why it works for a cylinder but not a cube?  I can't figure out the discrepancy in shapes. So weird.

    I did not know the "check mesh" was actually an avastar add on.  Do you think some of the problem could be avastar for me? Since I am not using it anyway maybe I should A) Figure out the errors I am getting on Avastar or B) uninstall Avastar and try again!


    Out of patience! 

  4. Hi there!  I have uploaded MANY MANY successful items , but all of a sudden on a -simple- rigged item, I am getting the dreaded .dae parsing error!








    Here is what I know:


    1. My Firestorm log has nothing related in it.

    2. All vertices have at least 1 but not more than 4 assignments

    3. I am selecting the object properly

    4. This is the first time I have started with a cube instead of a cylinder and used subsurface modifiers. (why should there be a difference?)

    5. I can't -find- an issue as simple as material names etc.

    6. When unweighted, the object imports okay, so I feel like it is a weighting issue,  I just don't know why!  This happened to me once before and I scrapped the creation.  I don't want to scrap this one!! 

    7. When I "check mesh"  it tells me there is 1 Report in the Console, but I can't find said report. 


    HALP! And Thank you in advance!

  5. Hi everyone!  I create clothing for small avatars,  and today I finished a dress.  it looks fine when rezzed, but when worn most of it disappears.  I have never had this happen before.  I can see all other mesh, my avatar is actually mesh, and the other items I uploaded tonight are not doing this!!

    -See pictures!

    I have tinkered with it a lot,  I've messed with the rigging, I've checked and double checked normals, it's not an issue with the texture because it happens with or without the shade map (which I uploaded as a .jpg to avoid alpha issues), I even went so far as to mess with modifiers which of course did nothing.  I can't figure out why this is happening!!  Any suggestions are GREATLY appreciated!  I spent a ton of time on this dumb thing!!!


    Thanks in advance, Gabby

    EDITED TO ADD:  PS, I use Blender 2.62 .





  6. Hi all!  I am having an irritating issue.  I've created an object which consists of three linked pieces and when I try to rig it, the linked pieces pull apart in pose mode.  


    Is there a simple fix or solution for this? Thanks in advance!

  7. ARRRGGGGG okay.  my issues are not fixed after all.  Can someone please look at this and give my thoughts as to WHAT is going on, and WHY my object has strange round blobs on the front in the baked image?  


    Thank you so much,

    -A very frustrated Gabby!-blender ss2.jpg

  8. WOW.  okay I closed blender,  reopened my project, double checked EVERY SETTING you all told me to check, baked it again and now it's in black and white.  The dark splotches are still there, but I'm assuming that's my light...


    Thank you so much!  

  9. thank you all so much for your willingness to help!  I double checked all these settings that you've mentioned I just don't feel like I'm getting anywhere.  I even compared settings with a different item that worked out fine.  Yes it is an AO, but it's only about the third one I've done so like I said I don't know the settings well enough by heart to know what I've screwed up :/  


    Thank you so much for helping, again


    PS>  I just checked,  it's still on add, not multiple.  Hm. 


    Here is a screen shot!


  10. Hiya!  I unwrapped my mesh in blender and uv mapped it, and for some reason this time it's really dark, brown and black.  Not the light grey, white and black that it should be.  I haven't done it enough times to know the settings well, and I'm wondering what I've messed up or set incorrectly.  Many thanks if you have an input!  

  11. Why is all of my mesh suddenly failing at upload?  The shipping screen is just fine, I calculate my weights and then hit upload, and then boom.  Failure to load.  It is a server thing at the moment, or am I suddenly doing something wrong?  HELP!

  12. Hello there :)  I design clothing in the childrens community, and I was hoping to be able to find a capable creator to work with me on a few basic mesh items to start with, and possibly something a little more long term as mesh becomes more popular.  I'm working on learning all of this but my skill level is painfully substandard, and I depend on quality for my creations. 


    It will be impossible for me to consider using any adult mesh items as sizing, shaping etc will play a very important factor on child avatars.  


    If you're interested in making a few simple mesh clothing items geared toward a child avatar, please notecard me in world.  My group inviter unfortunately spams my IMs and I am often capped, but I will receive a notecard.  


    -Gabrielle Gregory

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