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Posts posted by Extemporaneous

  1. Drake1 Nightfire wrote:

    Extemporaneous wrote:

    Drake1 Nightfire wrote:

    Extemporaneous wrote:

    Drake1 Nightfire wrote:

    Extemporaneous wrote:

    Relax Pepine.... you are working too hard... you act like you are working on SL 2.0 or something!

    Hey hey, I was the first person here to coin the term SL 2.0© i want my 5L per use. TYVM.

    Here is your stinking money


    It's about time someone started paying.. I have been keeping a record of all the times it has been used. One of these days when i decide to get off the couch and do something worthwhile with my life i may get an attorney.


    I will be giving that back to you btw..

    Thank you so much, please be advised of my return policy.

    All Returns must be made within 48 seconds of the initial transaction. Returns not made in that time frame are subject to fees. Fees include but are not limited to an interest rate of 57.12% Hourly, a $L5 return servicing fee, a $L2 processing fee for the $L5 servicing fee, a fee for logging in to check to see if you really returned the $L, a fee for doing all the math to calculate these outrageous fees. When all the fees are added together you must add the number of views this post got (1 view = $L1) and multiply that by the total number of views this thread got, multiply that number by your rezday (two digit day, two digit month, and four digit year), then create a notecard with all the math (so it can be checked by noobs that have no idea what is going on). Of course there is a fee for reading the notecard and any mistakes are subject to additional fees. If you are unable to comply with this return policy you could just keep the money... but if you do that there is a $L5 fee for having me write all this for nothing.

    You don't list a few of your fees... The logging fee, the math fee, and the reading fee are all missing.. I sent a gift instead..

    That is because those fees are based on market fluctuations and I would have to know the exact time you were paying them to be able to calculate them but because of your beautiful gift those fees are waived. :)

  2. Drake1 Nightfire wrote:

    Extemporaneous wrote:

    Drake1 Nightfire wrote:

    Extemporaneous wrote:

    Relax Pepine.... you are working too hard... you act like you are working on SL 2.0 or something!

    Hey hey, I was the first person here to coin the term SL 2.0© i want my 5L per use. TYVM.

    Here is your stinking money


    It's about time someone started paying.. I have been keeping a record of all the times it has been used. One of these days when i decide to get off the couch and do something worthwhile with my life i may get an attorney.


    I will be giving that back to you btw..

    Thank you so much, please be advised of my return policy.

    All Returns must be made within 48 seconds of the initial transaction. Returns not made in that time frame are subject to fees. Fees include but are not limited to an interest rate of 57.12% Hourly, a $L5 return servicing fee, a $L2 processing fee for the $L5 servicing fee, a fee for logging in to check to see if you really returned the $L, a fee for doing all the math to calculate these outrageous fees. When all the fees are added together you must add the number of views this post got (1 view = $L1) and multiply that by the total number of views this thread got, multiply that number by your rezday (two digit day, two digit month, and four digit year), then create a notecard with all the math (so it can be checked by noobs that have no idea what is going on). Of course there is a fee for reading the notecard and any mistakes are subject to additional fees. If you are unable to comply with this return policy you could just keep the money... but if you do that there is a $L5 fee for having me write all this for nothing.

  3. Drake1 Nightfire wrote:

    Extemporaneous wrote:

    Pepine wrote:

    LiveReport wrote:

    Kelinda wrote:

    DejaHo wrote:

    Keli Kyrie wrote:

    DejaHo wrote:

    ZoeTick wrote:


    I wish all the other recalcitrant recidivists would return.

    Me too.  I hate when the voices go away. 


    Why would you want
    all those crazy voices
    back in your head?

    Because they're crazy.

    This is turning out to be a great party. 

    Who are you calling crazy... I only do totally rational things!

    I think he was talking to you !


    Relax Pepine.... you are working too hard... you act like you are working on SL 2.0 or something!

    Hey hey, I was the first person here to coin the term SL 2.0© i want my 5L per use. TYVM.

    Here is your stinking money :P


  4. Pepine wrote:

    LiveReport wrote:

    Kelinda wrote:

    DejaHo wrote:

    Keli Kyrie wrote:

    DejaHo wrote:

    ZoeTick wrote:


    I wish all the other recalcitrant recidivists would return.

    Me too.  I hate when the voices go away. 


    Why would you want
    all those crazy voices
    back in your head?

    Because they're crazy.

    This is turning out to be a great party. 

    Who are you calling crazy... I only do totally rational things!

    I think he was talking to you !


    Relax Pepine.... you are working too hard... you act like you are working on SL 2.0 or something!

  5. Theresa Tennyson wrote:

    As I read this thread, so similar to several others, my avatar tugs at my sleeve.

    "Don't these people know there are cooler ways to fight in SL?," the teenage girl whispers. "There's paintball, and that thing with the swords, and you can fight in AIRPLANES even."

    "Yes, Theresa, but these particular people apparently like to fight it out in forums."

    The girl wrinkles her nose.



    There are some of us that like to write extemporaneously using prose instead of power which makes the forum the prefect habitat for us. ;)

    - Extemporaneous

  6. I really don't know what I would do with an alt. I have so little time to spend inworld as it is and sharing that time with an alt would just drain me. If other people choose to use them though I don't think it really bugs me. I think once you get to know someone you can tell by the way they write who they are so it does not really matter what name floats over their head.

  7. Conifer Dada wrote:

    I grew to like Viewer 2 and now  Viewer 3 which looks the same.  The sidebar is OK when one gets used to it but my only real criticism is that the camera controls tab is too big and intrusive.  It would also be nice if we could customise the Viewer to our own choices of colour.

    What color were you hoping for? They have Teal, Blue, Orange, and of coarse Pink. btw the camera controls on the Starlight Skins are smaller then the standard Linden Lab interface, sorry I don't have a picture of it right now.


  8. Hi Keli,

    I am on Beta 3.0.2 too and I see what you see. What it looks like to me is anyone that has used a Display Name shows up in Light Brown (I am calling it Tan). If a person does not have a Display Name they show up in White unless they are your friend then they are Green.


    Extemporaneous :)

    • Like 1
  9. I don't understand this I thought mesh was suppose to improve everything. Last night I got mesh hair, I thought it was going to be awesome, it was awful. :(

    Instead of it being a whole lot of individual prims moving and flexing like the flexy hair we have today it was one solid mass that didn't move at all. It reminded me of Max Headroom! :o


    I was hoping it was going to move and flex like hair you see in the latest animated films. I am so, so, so disappointed. :(

    I saw you use this movie in another thread and I thought it made a good example. 

  10. Storm Clarence wrote:

    Suella Ember is pretty 'up' on the freckle faced redhead fashion (and attitude as she manifests
    moments of pure insanity;
    she also likes cheese, a lot.)  If she does not respond to this thread, PM her.  She is always willing to help.  

    Sounds like we will have a lot in common and we should get along just fine. I wonder if I leave her cheese alone if she will keep out of my lemons, or we could share. ;) 

    Picture 24.png

  11. Imnotgoing Sideways wrote:

    OMG, that's a good idea with rather beautiful examples. =^-^=

    But, I think the problem is in the resolution available in SL skins.  I could be wrong, though.  But, what few ginger skins I've found have been quite the mess.  The baking process eats them alive. (._.)



    I have seen some good tattoos I wonder if I can create alpha layer freckles and just add them to this skin? It is worth a try dyt? I am almost certain I could do it with an arm or a leg but the the face has so many curves stretching is bound to happen.

  12. When I was little my mom use to call freckles "kisses from angles" and when I came to Second Life I was hope to capture some of that magic in my avatar. But I guess the people that make skins in SL have  never really seen someone with freckles because the skins I found have very subtle freckles. I have attached some pictures to show what I mean. Can any of you help a lurker? 


    Picture 27.png


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