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Posts posted by SilverMadison

  1. Hey all,  I am looking to put together a cast and crew to do a retelling of the classic fairytale, "Rumplestiltskin".
    If you have any interest in possibly helping out, please contact me in-world asap.


    Thanks so much. 

  2. I am in the very beginning process of writing a series that I would love to eventually film in SecondLife.
    Right now I would just appreciate anyone that would like to help me on this endeavor.

    I will let you know right now I cannot pay for your time or work that you put into this project.
    I WOULD eventually like to pay some sort of compensation down the line. 

    If you would like to help me out and give me advice or somehow make this new series a reality,
    please contact me either in world as SilverMadison or by E-Mail: XxSilverMadisonX@aol.com


    Thank you for viewing this message. Hope to hear from you soon. 

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